Today I was working on a LaTeX doc and needed to adjust spacing around the LaTeX itemize environment. I wanted a list of item with no space before the list environment and the list of items, no space between the… Continue Reading →
Now there are only a few days left until the TeX Users Group meeting 2020 starts. As it happens online with more than 220 registered participants world wide, following the schedule in some other time zone may be a challenge…. Continue Reading →
More than a month has passed since the last update of TeX Live packages in Debian, so here is a new checkout! All arch all packages have been updated to the tlnet state as of 2020-06-29, see the detailed update… Continue Reading →
On, founded January 2007, many authors published articles about LaTeX and related tools. The article database has been changed from Joomla to a modern WordPress CMS, mainly because of security concerns. The site has been renamed to The… Continue Reading →
ConTeXt has a nice command to find a meaning of a command. Sometimes the easiest way to find the meaning of a macro is to simply use \show\macroname In LMTX, context defaults to running with –batchmode, which means that you… Continue Reading →
Auch auf Deutsch / in German: In April I did a pretty big software update on, and added more features since then. What’s new? For example: The display is automatically adjusted, so it’s much better readable on smart… Continue Reading →
Im April hatte ich ein größeres Software-Update auf vorgenommen, und in der Folgezeit weitere Features eingebaut. Was ist neu? Zum Beispiel: Die Darstellung passt sich an Displaygröße an und das Forum ist auf Smartphones erheblich besser lesbar. (Vorher-Nacher-Vergleich) Grafik-Einbindung… Continue Reading →
I occassionally give presentations where the presentation must include embedded videos. I typically include the movie using \externalfigure[][height=…, width=…, preview=yes, repeat=yes] Unfortunately, I could not find any reliable method to play such movies in linux. So, whenever I needed to… Continue Reading →
A while back, a had created a git based tutorial for learning how to create a presentation style in ConTeXt. I chose a git based style so that it was easy to see what changed in each commit and what… Continue Reading →
Since I am looking at merging a few pull requests for t-vim, I thought that this will also be a good time to implement a simple feature that was on hold for a while: the ability to use the module… Continue Reading →
The t-vim module has been on a maintenance only mode for while, so I am happy to announce a release which adds a new feature: a new method to escape to TeX using /BTEX and /ETEX tags. See also: Original… Continue Reading →
La version 1.45 de polyglossia a changé certaines commandes utilisées par reledpar. Par conséquent, celui-ci n’était plus capable de gérer correctement le changement de langue entre les deux textes mis en parallèles. Nous nous sommes aperçu de cela après la… Continue Reading →
A few days ago we have released upstream TeX Live 2020, and Debian packages are already available in the sid/unstable suite, and will (hopefully) migrate to testing rather soon. All the changes listed in the upstream release blog apply also… Continue Reading →
Schönes Osterpräsent! TeX Live 2020 einschließlich MacTeX ist erschienen. Neu ist beispielsweise, dass der TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) nach Fehlschlag erneut versucht, ein Paket herunterzuladen, Konsistenzprüfung der lokalen Paketdatenbank (ls-R) durch tlmgr check texmfdbs, Versionsnummern in Paket-Dateinamen. Sonst einige Feinheiten… Continue Reading →
Get the Champagne ready, we have released the final images of TeX Live 2020. Due to COVID-19, DVD production will be delayed, but we have decided to release the current image and update the net installer. The .iso image is… Continue Reading →
In my ongoing search to further improve table layout for my beamer-presentations, I just came across a simple way to change the font color in tables. This comes in handy, for example, to highlight results regression results in specific tables…. Continue Reading →
Another month, another update of TeX Live in Debian with the usual long list of updated and new packages. The reappearance of turtle graphics via PStricks packages pst-turtle made me laugh. I used turtle graphics for my first programming steps,… Continue Reading →
Many years ago I decided to learn Tibetan (and the necessary Sanskrit), and enrolled in the university studies of Tibetology in Vienna. Since then I have mostly forgotten Tibetan due to absolute absence of any practice, save for regular consultations… Continue Reading →
TeX Live 2019 has seen already many updates since the initial upload to Debian, most of which I have never reported about. Today I have uploaded a new set of packages, based on the tlnet archives of 20190930. The long… Continue Reading →
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les supports pour ma formation à l’utilisation de LaTeX pour la mise en page d’édition critique faite à Lyon le 1er juillet 2019. Introduction à l’utilisation de LaTeX pour mettre en forme une édition critique : supports de… Continue Reading →
En amont de la rencontre annuelle de l’AELAC, je donne avec ma collègue Caroline Macé une formation sur « les outils numériques pour l’édition critique ». Cela aura lieu le 1er juillet à Lyon à partir de 14h. Une inscription préalable est… Continue Reading →
En préparant mon intervention sur Git au Stage LaTeX de juin, je me suis dit qu’il pouvait être utile que je résume, succinctement, ma politiquement de branchement avec Git. Elle n’a rien de très original, mais je la trouve pratique,… Continue Reading →
Comme chaque année, l’IUT de génie thermique de Dunkerque, ou plus exactement Denis Bitouzé, organise un stage d’une journée. Cette année, le stage LaTeX aura lieu le 12 juin prochain. Le stage nécessite une inscription préalable, et ne coût que 6… Continue Reading →
I’m on a carribbean cruise for three weeks and don’t have so much time as before for answering questions on Especially since I actually do work here, on improving the WiFi onboard the cruise ship. It would be great… Continue Reading →
Ainsi qu’annoncé, je présent LaTeX pour les éditions critiques à un stage XSLT à Lyon. Vous trouverez ci-dessous mes supports de présentation. Outre un diaporama Beamer, j’ai produit un exemple d’édition critique avec LaTeX, en reprenant l’édition XML d’Andromaque, de… Continue Reading →
J’interviendrait prochainement à Lyon, à deux reprises, pour parler de LaTeX pour les éditions critiques. Une fois sous forme de conférence le 22 avril dans le cadre d’une session de formation au XSLT pour les éditions critiques. Attention, bien que mon… Continue Reading →
I was invited to a learning session in organized by the “Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies” to animate a workshop about LaTeX and cricital edition. Here, you will find the beamer of the workshop, which is followed by a practical… Continue Reading →
À la demande de plusieurs personnes, nous avons procédé à un enregistrement vidéos des interventions lors de la journée d’étude « Encoder numériquement une édition critique ». Avant toute chose, je tiens à remercier mon collègue Francis Mobio pour m’avoir formé à… Continue Reading →
Ainsi qu’annoncé précedemment, j’organise ce 1er février une journée d’étude intitule “Encoder numériquement une édition critique : enjeux scientifiques et techniques“. J’y donne deux interventions : l’introduction et un exposé sur les édictions critiques avec LaTeX. Voici les supports de présentation de… Continue Reading →
Axel Kielhorn hat eine deutschsprachige Einführung in ConTeXt verfasst, wie er heute auf der Vereins-Mailingliste mitteilte. Auf 45 Seiten erklärt er die wesentlichen Grundlagen, also Gliederung (Kapitel, Abschnitte und feiner) Stichpunkt-Listen, Aufzählungen, beschreibende Listen Text-Formatierung, Schriften und Größen Querverweise und… Continue Reading →
Tl;dr: es gibt da ein paar Jobangebote. Nach meinem Mathestudium wollte ich ja erstmal in die Ferne und bin als IT Officer auf ein Kreuzfahrtschiff gestiegen. Leben und Arbeiten in der Besatzung mit der Technik war spannend und die Reisen… Continue Reading →
Testbericht zum Paket pst-poker.sty Seit 2008 fand man nur ein leicht fehlerhaftes Paket poker.sty des Autors Olaf Encke, der es auf seiner Privathomepage hochgeladen hatte. Nach langer Zeit einmal wieder über das Thema nachgedacht… Nun hat das weltbekannte LaTeX-Urgestein Herbert… Continue Reading →
A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. The documentation can be downloaded separately Note: There is a file embedded… Continue Reading →
DANTE, der Verein deutschsprachiger TeX-Anwender, fördert weiterhin TeX-Webseiten wie TeX-Internetforen und mehr. Installiert und betreut werden zwei Server von mir. Die finanzielle Unterstützung von DANTE deckt den kompletten Betrieb zweier Server ab, von Hardware-Miete und Gigabit-Internet-Anbindung bis hin zu Backup-Space… Continue Reading →
Today I browsed through unanswered questions on Perhaps you got an idea how to help a user? Some randomly chosen examples: Plot with months and years as x-axis (from today)The goal is to get a plot like this: ntheorem… Continue Reading →
Today I celebrate my 9000th post on I don’t have the patience to wait until it’s 10k. In 2008 I joined the forum, when it was maintained by Sven Wiegand, the creator of the TeXnicCenter editor and forum founder… Continue Reading →
Das “Comprehensive TeX Archive Network” (CTAN) ist das Rückgrat der TeX-Welt im Internet. Das Herz ist der einzelne, dieser Server und insbesondere der Inhalt wird durch das CTAN-Team betreut. Sie stellen weit mehr als 5000 TeX-Pakete zum Installieren und… Continue Reading →
The backbone of the TeX world is the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). The single server is the core, this one and the content is maintained by the CTAN team. It provides more than 5000 TeX packages for installing… Continue Reading →
An intensive discussion is going on here: Let me summarize, what I read: TeX.SE got a new design There was a design discussion before, but no TeX user suggestion has been considered There are a lot of opinion and… Continue Reading →
I like the idea of local TeX communities, and of TeX support in native language. It provides people who don’t read and write English fluently with access to TeX and LaTeX. Also, feeling ok with English, I enjoy reading TeX… Continue Reading →
TeX Live 2018 was released on 28 April 2018. I waited some days until I did the update (and to write here) to see if there might be any issue regarding setup or function. A few points were posted on the TeX… Continue Reading →
LyX 2.3.0 has been released. I listed the quite a lot new features already here: LyX 2.3 release candidate with new features So I will be brief. There’s no Windows (binary) version yet, I guess it will come soon. There’s… Continue Reading →
The iX, magazine for professional IT in German language, started a tutorial about LaTeX. The current issue 1/2018 deals with it at an advanced level: Marei Peischl introduces LaTeX based on newest features. (German blog post: on The first part starts with a new package, that even… Continue Reading →
As I wanted to write a post about benefits of joining the TeX Users Group, I did a routine check. So I found Greg’s post and Jim’s answer on – click the link to get the full view. I… Continue Reading →
The first public release candidate of LyX 2.3 is available with an amazing amount of new features, such as native biblatex support multiple bibliographies with biblatex native microtype support dynamic quotation marks subequations left aligned equations Inkscape figure template better… Continue Reading →
Norbert Preining announced the release of a new graphic user interface for TeX Live, the TeX Live Cockpit. The TL Cockpit works on top of the TeX Live Manager aka tlmgr provides an interface to TeX Live options gives a… Continue Reading →
I just noticed, that today there is a Back to School sale at Packt Publishing: each LaTeX ebook (and other ebooks) are available for just $10 today. You can also bundle two LaTeX books and a third book for $25 all-together…. Continue Reading →
Day 2 of the SHA hacker camp. Coffee, breakfast, Internet. For the latter, I pulled a long Ethernet cable extension reel to a “datenklo”. To be safe, somehow, I installed a Cisco ASA firewall for wired access, via a dedicated… Continue Reading →
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