Motivation LaTeX offers great functionality to create professionally looking tables. The default column types (left-aligned l; center-aligned c; and right-aligned r) adjust to the text size, rather than wrapping text automatically. This works well as long as the content in… Continue Reading →
Track changes is a popular tool in Word. If you are looking for something similar for LaTeX latexdiff is the answer. For example if you are an academic researcher submitting papers to journals, you will most likely have to go… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 4. The colortab package The colortab package is another package to color table cells and rules (lines). It is the only alternative to colortbl/xcolor, as… Continue Reading →
The animate package allows to include JavaScript driven animations into a pdf created with LaTeX. This can be particularly useful for beamer presentations. The biggest caveat upfront: the animations are only supported by some pdf readers (AcrobatReader, PDF-XChange, acroread, and… Continue Reading →
The R package animation has a function saveLatex() which creates a tex document (and compiles it) with the animation created by your R code. It essentially produces the individual image files and a tex file that uses the LaTeX package… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 3. The xcolor package While coloring tables, the xcolor package provides the same commands as <a href=””>colortbl</a>. The reason is that loading the xcolor package… Continue Reading →
The referencing functions in LaTeX are pretty powerful. In this article we want to illustrate some of those features and present packages that extend on them. The basic functionality is easy to understand: place a \label{key} behind a chapter, sectioning… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 1. Introduction to colors Colors constitute the human visual interpretation of light waves of different wavelengths. Color models There exist several models to represent… Continue Reading →
Most people prefer to not save their figures in the same directory as the tex file itself since it would clutter up quickly. A common solution is to save all figures in a sub-folder of the main directory and use… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, Unfortunately, I have had very little time to write articles during the past few months. Therefore, I am looking for people interested in writing articles for I am not looking for an expert LaTeX user, but someone… Continue Reading →
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