
TeX Community Aggregator

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Avoiding linebreaks before citations and things

When using a numerical bibliography style, it’s considered bad form (at least by me) to have a linebreak before the citation. You might see suggestions in LaTeX guides to write … something profound~\cite{robertson2013}. to avoid the citation number (‘[72]’, or… Continue Reading →

LaTeX Thesis Template released

A few days ago I released a beta Version of my LaTeX-Thesis-Template on code.google.com. This Version is complete and tested with TeX Live 2013 on Windows 7, 64 bit. However since it has been completely rewritten and only been tested… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Nicola Talbot

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today’s interview: our friend Nicola Talbot, 3k+ rep, 20+ badges, 55+ answers, package writer, and author of a great series of TeXnical books! Get ready for this awesome interview!… Continue Reading →

Use of § in refstyle

I’m a big fan of the refstyle package. (Before I knew it existed, I started writing something similar myself. I’m glad I found refstyle before it was too late!) The refstyle package automates the use of cross references; while vanilla… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Leo Liu

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a special guest for today’s interview: our friend Leo Liu, 33k+ rep, 217+ badges, 467+ answers, author of the zhmCJK package, and a very active member in our community. Get ready for this awesome… Continue Reading →

Removing subsection numbers in a ToC

Very behind on taking care of the Herries Press packages (PDF) which I’m maintaining. Apologies to all who have emailed with suggestions, comments, and questions, and to whom I’ve unfortunately not been able to respond. Funny request today: how can… Continue Reading →

New babel release on CTAN

In May 2012, Javier Bezos wrote the following message to the LaTeX-L mailing list: Babel gets back on track and it is again actively maintained. The goals are mainly to fix bugs, to make it compatible with XeTeX and LuaTeX… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Marc van Dongen

Dear friends, welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a special guest for today’s interview: our friend Marc van Dongen, author of an awesome book on LaTeX and friends, and a movie star! Get ready for this awesome interview! Paulo Cereda… Continue Reading →

New version of pstool

Somewhat to my surprise, I have a new version of pstool to release. This is a LaTeX package I maintain that provide an easy workflow (I hope) for including psfrag graphics into pdfLaTeX documents. This allows, say, graphs from Matlab… Continue Reading →

Useful Linux command—paste

I have for long ignored blogging, but today I came across the useful linux command “paste” and I thought I should write it down. In the past I have used quite a few smart tricks to handle data or output… Continue Reading →

Here’s a photo I took of Donald Knuth at the TUG 2010…

Here’s a photo I took of Donald Knuth at the TUG 2010 conference during his “Earthshaking Announcement”. I’m not sure exactly how it has been distributed (perhaps Facebook) but I see it’s now floating around the internet. I’m not a… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Ulrike Fischer

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Ulrike Fischer, 41k+ rep, 181+ badges, and our font expert. Get ready for this awesome interview! Paulo Cereda Dear friends, welcome to the TeXtalk! Our interviewee… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Peter Grill

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Peter Grill, 56k+ rep, 301+ badges, and our resident TikZ expert. Get ready for this awesome interview! Joseph Wright Dear friends, welcome to the TeXtalk! Our… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Joseph Wright

Hello there, welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Joseph Wright, one of our TeX.sx moderators, 60k+ rep, 415 badges, member of the LaTeX3 team, member of the biblatex taskforce together with Philip… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Aditya

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Aditya Mahajan, one of the most active members of TeX.sx, 18k+ rep, 91+ badges (including the ConTeXt badge), 310+ answers so far, and our resident ConTeXt… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with PLK

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Philip Kime, also known as PLK, our biber/biblatex expert. He’s the project leader of the biblatex task force, together with Audrey and Joseph Wright, and a great… Continue Reading →

Beamer presentations using pandoc, markdown, LaTeX, and a makefile

This post discusses the creation of beamer presentations using a combination of markdown, pandoc, and LaTeX. This workflow offers the potential to reduce typing and increase readability of beamer presentation source code. Source code for an example presentation is provided… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Andrew Stacey

Welcome to the *TeXtalk!* We have a very special guest for today: our friend [Andrew Stacey](http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/86), a well-known member of our community, trusted user, 40k+ rep, 274 badges, and one of the resident TikZ experts. Get ready for this great… Continue Reading →

Converting Sweave LaTeX to knitr LaTeX: A case study

The following post documents the steps I needed to take in order to convert a project using Sweave LaTeX into one using knitr LaTeX. Additional Resources It is fairly straightforward to convert a document from Sweave LaTeX to knitr LaTeX…. Continue Reading →

A Cayley graph

The following is the Cayley graph , where is the additive group of the vector space (where is the field of three elements), and . \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{VertexStyle/.style={draw,rectangle}} \grEmptyCycle*[rotation=90,prefix=a,RA=2,Math]{{(1,2)},{(0,0)},{(2,1)}} \grEmptyCycle*[rotation=90,prefix=b,RA=4.5,Math]{(2,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,2),(2,2)} \EdgeInGraphLoop{b}{6} \SetUpEdge[style={bend right=10}] \EdgeDoubleMod{a}{3}{0}{1}{b}{6}{1}{2}{3} \EdgeDoubleMod{a}{3}{0}{1}{b}{6}{2}{2}{3} \SetUpEdge[style={bend left=10}] \EdgeDoubleMod{a}{3}{0}{1}{b}{6}{4}{2}{3} \EdgeDoubleMod{a}{3}{0}{1}{b}{6}{5}{2}{3} \end{tikzpicture} See… Continue Reading →

TUG 2012 in Boston

This year’s been a bit of a rollercoaster for being busy and trying to make decisions. After flipping-flopping over the last six months, I’ve decided at the last minute to attend TUG 2012 in Boston in July. (Thanks to Steve… Continue Reading →


Die folgenden Folien und Übungen wurden in einer zweitägigen Einführung von LaTeX verwendet. Die Zielausrichtung lag auf der Erstellung von einfachen Protokollen mit Ausblicken auf Themen, die bei Bachelor und Masterarbeiten relevant sind. Note: There is a file embedded within… Continue Reading →

et al., i.e., e.g., etc.

Only time for a short post. Foreign words are italicized frequently in English; however, et al., i.e., e.g., and etc. probably should not be. It draws unnecessary attention to the words and modern style manuals will tell you not to… Continue Reading →

Introducing graphiso.sty

The purpose of the new package graphiso.sty is to use tkz-graph to produce an animation of a graph isomorphism in a beamer presentation, such as: You can find documentation and code at Github: rvf0068/graphiso.sty. See also: Original Source by Rafael

TeXtalk: an interview with David Carlisle

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend David Carlisle, member of the LaTeX3 project, editor of the MathML spec, a very active member of TeX.sx, 16k+ rep, 104 badges, and 325+ answers so… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Gonzalo Medina

Hola amigos, welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Gonzalo Medina, one of the most active members of TeX.sx, trusted user (44k+ rep), with 849+ answers so far and 208+ badges. Get ready… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Patrick Gundlach

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today: our friend Patrick Gundlach, one of the most active members of TeX.sx, close to 9k+ rep, 92+ badges (including the LuaTeX badge), 116+ answers, one of our representatives… Continue Reading →

An icosahedron in fake 3d

\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{scope}[rotate=90] \grIcosahedral[form=1,RA=3,RB=1.5] \SetUpEdge[color=white,style={double=black,double distance=2pt}] \EdgeInGraphLoop{a}{6} \EdgeFromOneToSel{a}{b}{0}{1,5} \Edges(a2,b1,b3,b5,a4) \Edge(a3)(b3) \Edges(a1,b1,b5,a5) \Edges(a2,b3,a4) \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} See also: Original Source by Rafael

TeXtalk: an interview with Yiannis Lazarides

Welcome to the TeXtalk! The special guest for today is our friend Yiannis Lazarides, one of the most active members of  TeX.sx, a trusted user (34k+), 231+ badges and 444+ answers so far. Get ready for this great interview! Paulo… Continue Reading →

Drawing a graph

In graph theory, models and drawings often consists mostly of vertices, edges, and labels. So, it may be possible, to use a simpler language for generating a diagram of a graph. The tkz-graph package offers a convenient interface. The code… Continue Reading →

Commutative diagram

A simple example of a commutative diagram using TikZ, short and readable. It has been posted as answer to the question http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/45741/213 of Elias. A matrix is used for positioning the main nodes Arrows are drawn as edges, between the… Continue Reading →


Die folgenden Folien und Übungen dienten zur eintägigen Einführung von LaTeX für die Erstellung von Bachelor und Masterarbeiten. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. Note: There is a file… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Jake

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a special guest for our second interview of the year: our friend Jürnjakob Dugge, also known as Jake, hi-rep user (32K+), 460+ answers so far, 178+ badges, and TikZ/PGF guru! It was a great… Continue Reading →

Highlighting elements in matrices

A submatrix within a matrix should be highlightened. Instead of simply drawing a rectangle, we can use TikZ for producing a rectangle node, using the fit library for fitting the desired area, defining a style for the highlighted node, so… Continue Reading →

A calendar of circles

A calendar example from the PGF manual. Modifications are changes in font family and size commands shaded background circle shaded month circles font sizes and distances. Edit and compile if you like: % A calendar of circles % Author: Till… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Werner

Welcome to the TeXtalk! For our first interview of the year, we have a special guest: our friend Werner, hi-rep user (31k+), 792+ answers, 162 badges, one of the most active users of our community. It was a great interview!… Continue Reading →

Chains with labeled edges

http://texblog.net/latex-archive/maths/pgf-tikz-commutative-diagram/ The chains library is very useful for writing exact sequences. Yet there’s no feature for labeling the edges of a chain. Besides arrows, we might need to write symbols for maps over, under, or just next to it. This… Continue Reading →

A family tree

Posted for discussing and improving on http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/39696/213 Edit and compile if you like: % A family tree % or: an organisational chart % Author: Stefan Kottwitz , http://texblog.net \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% % \usetikzlibrary{trees} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ man/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=blue!20}, woman/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=red!20,rounded corners=.8ex},… Continue Reading →

Logic diagram

Math formulas and arrows with TikZ http://texblog.net/latex-archive/maths/logic-tikz/ In the Art of Problem Solving Forum http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=1359679#1359679 somebody asked for help in creating a construction for proofs and demonstrations in Logic by LaTeX commands. Math expressions should be aligned, some connected by… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Martin Scharrer

Welcome to the TeXtalk! For the third episode of the series, we have a legendary guest: our friend Martin Scharrer, TeX.sx moderator, highest rep user (54k+) and package-writing machine! Martin is surely the TeX version of Jon Skeet. It was… Continue Reading →

Lindenmayer systems

Edit and compile if you like: % Lindenmayer systems % Dec 18, 2011, Stefan Kottwitz % http://texblog.net \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \usepackage{subfig} \PreviewEnvironment{tabular} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{lindenmayersystems} \usetikzlibrary[shadings] \begin{document} \pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Koch curve}{ \rule{F -> F-F++F-F}} \pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Sierpinski triangle}{ \rule{F -> G-F-G} \rule{G -> F+G+F}} \pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Fractal… Continue Reading →

Fancy colorful tables with TikZ

Edit and compile if you like: % Fancy tables with TikZ % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % http://texblog.net \documentclass[svgnames]{beamer} \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading]% [top=blue!1,bottom=blue!30] \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \usepackage{tikz} % The table is built using TikZ matrix library features: \usetikzlibrary{matrix} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \usepackage{subfig} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}%… Continue Reading →

Commutative diagram with crossing edges

Edit and compile if you like: % Commutative diagram with edges passing under/over % Jan 7, 2009, Stefan Kottwitz % http://texblog.net \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{matrix} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \usepackage{subfig} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=3em]{… Continue Reading →

The cases environment in latex

The cases environment defined by the amsmath package sets each case to be inline math style. This will look ugly when the formulas in the cases are complicated, such as fractions or integrals. Consider the following sample code: usepackage{amsmath} [… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with lockstep

Welcome to the TeXtalk! For the second episode of the series, we have another special guest: our friend Thomas Titz, also known as lockstep, one of the most active members of TeX.sx, a trusted user (36k+), 650+ answers so far,… Continue Reading →

Syracuse PSTricks Page

http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/pstricks/ Many fantastic PSTricks examples.

TeXtalk: an interview with egreg

Welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a special guest for the very first episode of the series: our friend Enrico Gregorio, also known as egreg, one of the most active members of TeX.sx, a trusted user (40k+) with 1075+ answers… Continue Reading →

Options for vertices

This post is an update for this post from my old blog, which did not work with the newer versions of tkz-berge. The changes are: instead of \tikzstyle{every node} = [node distance=1.5cm] one now has to use the macro: \SetGraphUnit{1.5},… Continue Reading →

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