
TeX Community Aggregator

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Utiliser les variantes stylistiques d’une police (suite)

Suite au billet sur l’utilisation des variantes stylistiques, j’ai réfléchi aux limitations  des commandes proposées, et trouvé une solution. Le code final du billet précédent proposait de procéder à des substitutions automatiques de caractère. Une première limitation était l’impossibilité de mettre des commandes (de mise… Continue Reading →

Changes and News

There have been some changes both on the frontend and the backend side of www.mychemistry.eu: The forums have been deactivated and removed. After one year of testing the feedback was so small that I decided to not longer maintain and… Continue Reading →

Utiliser les variantes stylistiques d’une police

Dans le billet précédent, nous avons passé en revue différentes polices pour la linguistique. Nous avons vu que certaines proposaient des variantes de caractères pour les lettres grecques et pour la version italique de certaines lettres latines dans le cas de… Continue Reading →

Polices de caractères pour la linguistique

Les sciences du langage utilisent des symboles et des conventions graphiques particulières, et nécessitent donc de choisir des polices de caractères en fonction de ces besoins. Je propose ici d’examiner plusieurs polices et leurs fonctionnalités. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas la patience… Continue Reading →

Lorem Ipsum mit LaTeX3

In diesem Monat werden wir uns erneut mit den Möglichkeiten von LaTeX3 befassen und einen Generator für Blind- bzw. Lorem-Ipsum-Texte programmieren. Der Generator kann mit einer Folge von Sätzen „gefüttert“ werden und gibt diese dann in zufälliger Reihenfolge – kombiniert… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Mico

Welcome to TeXtalk! Our interviewee is Mico. Mico has collected 158k+ rep, 3,000+ answers, and 730+ badges on TeX.sx. He is a regular participant in the chat room. Paulo Cereda Yay, our interviewee is here! Welcome, Mico! Mico Thanks, Paulo!… Continue Reading →

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.4 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. The documentation can be downloaded separately Note: There is a file embedded… Continue Reading →

What’s new in chemmacros v5.6?

Version 5.6 (2016/05/02) of chemmacros comes with a whole bunch of improvements and changes – no breaking changes, though. Here’s an overview over the changes: [cci_latex]base[/cci_latex] module: comfortably adding support for [cci_latex]cleveref[/cci_latex] and [cci_latex]fancyref[/cci_latex] with [cci_latex]\ChemCleverefSupport[/cci_latex] and [cci_latex]\ChemFancyrefSupport[/cci_latex] [cci_latex]lang[/cci_latex] module:… Continue Reading →

Musikalische Funktionssymbole mit LaTeX3

Dieses Beispiel geht zurück auf die Frage, wie man mit TeX musikalische Funktionssymbole für Tonika, Dominate etc. zusammen mit den Ziffern für die Stimmführung (das Voicing) darstellen kann, die vor einiger Zeit auf TeX.SX gestellt wurde. Bei der Lösung des… Continue Reading →

My thesis writing timeline – analysed using Dropbox and Python

I wrote my PhD thesis in LaTeX, and stored all of the files in my Dropbox folder. Dropbox stores previous versions of your files – for up to 30 days if you are on their free plan. Towards the end… Continue Reading →

Textausrichtung (nicht nur) für Word-Umsteiger

Vor einiger Zeit fragte mich ein Bekannter, ob man in TeX auch so viel mit Tabellen arbeitet, um Text zu positionieren, wie in Word – wobei es im Kern der Frage vor allem auch darum ging, ob die Tabelle immer… Continue Reading →

New chemmacros module “polymers”

As of version 5.5 the [cci_latex]chemmacros[/cci_latex] package includes a new module named polymers. Currently it mostly defines a few macros for usage in the [cci_latex]\iupac[/cci_latex] command (provided by the mandatory nomenclature module) such as [cce_latex]\NewChemIUPAC\copolymer {\textit{co}} \NewChemIUPAC\statistical{\textit{stat}} \NewChemIUPAC\random {\textit{ran}} \NewChemIUPAC\alternating{\textit{alt}}… Continue Reading →


Diesen Monat wollen wir uns damit auseinandersetzen, wie man in LaTeX Tabellen erzeugen kann und wie man diese leserfreundlich gestalten kann. Dabei werden wir uns zunächst mit den Möglichkeiten, die LaTeX von Haus aus mitbringt, beschäftigen und anschließend die Funktionen… Continue Reading →

How to: add simple new commands to LaTeX to help with writing papers

Like a lot of academics, I write many documents in LaTeX – including almost all of my academic papers, and my PhD thesis! So, anything that can make my life easier is of interest to me. I was recently discussing… Continue Reading →

New home

I have a bright and shiny new home: http://wspr.io See you there 🙂 See also: Original Source by Will Robertson

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.3 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. The documentation can be downloaded separately Note: There is a file embedded… Continue Reading →

chemmacros v5

I published version 5 of chemmacros nearly two months ago and so far the transition seems to have been a lot smoother than I anticipated. There have been a few support emails and posts on TeX/LaTeX stackexchange but nothing too… Continue Reading →

A mindmap showing TeX projects supported by DANTE e.V.

A mindmap showing TeX projects supported by DANTE e.V., the german language TeX user group with home page at www.dante.de DANTE sponsors their server costs for the web sites shown in the mindmap. TeX forums TeX galleries TeX blogs Tools,… Continue Reading →

Bar chart

A bar chart can be used for comparing values. Here we create a horizontal bar chart. The pgfplots package provides an easy way. In this example, I reduced axis data to focus on the values. So I do not show… Continue Reading →

A simple Tree

A simple tree with a style for all nodes. Edit and compile if you like: % A simple Tree % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=10em, every node/.style = {shape=rectangle, rounded corners, draw, align=center, top color=white,… Continue Reading →

A bottom-up chart of a TeX workflow

A priority chart showing a common TeX workflow from bottom to top, using the smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A bottom-up chart of a TeX workflow % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[priority… Continue Reading →

A diagram of TeX software

A diagram presenting TeX software using the smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A diagram of TeX software % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{\TeX\ software, Editor, Compiler, Converter, PDF Reader} \end{document} Click… Continue Reading →

A diagram of TeX engines

A diagram of TeX engines using the clever smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A diagram of TeX engines % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{dtklogos} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{\TeX\ engines, \TeX\ (dvi), pdf\TeX, \XeTeX,… Continue Reading →

A circular diagram of a TeX workflow

A diagram showing a TeX workflow using the clever smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A circular diagram of a TeX workflow % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[circular diagram:clockwise]{Edit, pdf\LaTeX, Bib\TeX/ biber, make\-index,… Continue Reading →

A flowchart of a TeX workflow

A flowchart showing a common TeX workflow, using the smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A flowchart of a TeX workflow % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[flow diagram:horizontal]{Edit, \LaTeX, Bib\TeX/ biber, make\-index, \LaTeX}… Continue Reading →

A Venn diagram with PDF blending

PDF blend mode requires TikZ version 3.0 or above. Edit and compile if you like: % A Venn diagram with PDF blending % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{scope}[blend group = soft light] \fill[red!30!white] ( 90:1.2)… Continue Reading →


A flowchart showing how we may choose a math environment. It shows using styles, placing nodes in a matrix, and drawing arrows using loops. Edit and compile if you like: % Flowchart % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone} \usepackage[a4paper,vmargin=3cm]{geometry}… Continue Reading →

Decision tree

A horizontal tree, growing to the right. I created a basic style for tree nodes, and derived styles for specific kinds of nodes. Edit and compile if you like: % Decision tree % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz}… Continue Reading →


A mindmap of TeX concepts. Edit and compile if you like: % Mindmap % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border = 60pt]{standalone} \usepackage[landscape]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{mindmap} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{dtklogos} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \path [ mindmap, text = white, level 1 concept/.append style =… Continue Reading →

A descriptive diagram of TikZ tasks

A diagram showing various TikZ drawing tasks, using the smartdiagram package. Edit and compile if you like: % A descriptive diagram of TikZ tasks % Author: Stefan Kottwitz % https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/latex-cookbook \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{smartdiagram} \begin{document} \smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{ {Style,{Define shapes, colors, shading, and… Continue Reading →

Customizing leadsheets

My leadsheets package is one of my newer packages. It seems to already have some fans – I get the occasional email asking for support and on github it has at the moment of writing 7 people who watch it… Continue Reading →

Biblatex 3.0

Biblatex package has undergone a lot of changes as a consequence of its revision to version 3.0. The back-end namely biber (the modern equivalent of BibTeX program) which is needed to exploit all the features of biblatex has also been… Continue Reading →

TeXPortal, a TeX system for Android

If you’re an Android user looking for a complete TEX system in a tablet, here is a glad news waiting for you . An application namely, TEXPortal in combination with TEXpert will make a complete TEX system in your Android… Continue Reading →

Coloured rules in vwcol

The name of this site is not very accurate at the moment. Life has become rather busy and complicated in the last few years, so apologies to any readers that hoped for more from me on the LaTeX front. I… Continue Reading →

TeXtalk: an interview with Paulo Cereda

Image courtesy of David Carlisle (MS Paint skillz FTW) Welcome to TeXtalk! Our interviewee is Paulo Cereda. Paulo has collected 24k+ rep, 160+ answers, and 240+ badges on TeX.sx. He is an avid participant in the chat rooms, and a… Continue Reading →

SAS and LaTeX Together: The StatRep Package

Table of Contents [TOC] Overview This short article shows how you can use StatRep to capture and display SAS-generated output to create dynamic documents. With the most recent release of the StatRep package, you can now create and display SAS-generated LaTeX… Continue Reading →

One simple way to do simple floating point arithmetics in shell

#!/bin/tcsh set n = 128 set beta = `echo “(-0.6)*($n)*($n)” | bc -l` set ppn = 16 set np = 31 set nodes = `echo “if ($np%$ppn==0) {$np/$ppn;} else {$np/$ppn+1}” | bc`

How To Pad a PDF to an N Page Signature

This how-to article describes how you can create a LaTeX command to pad a PDF with blank pages so that the total number of pages is an integer multiple (to satisify a printer’s request). Does your printer want the number of… Continue Reading →

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.2 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. The documentation can be downloaded separately Note: There is a file embedded… Continue Reading →

A breqn for punishment

As an aside before I start work on belatedly fixing some of unicode-math’s more pressing shortcomings, I’ve also started work tidying up the breqn package: https://github.com/wspr/breqn The breqn package was the brainchild of Michael J. Downes (of amsmath fame), and… Continue Reading →

New fontspec release

Major releases of fontspec don’t happen too often: v2.1 2010 / 09 v2.2 2011 / 09 v2.2b 2012 / 05 (“TeX Live 2012”) v2.3 2013 / 02 v2.4 2014 / 06 The new version on its way to CTAN now… Continue Reading →

Auto-resize images that overfill a page

LaTeX’s support for graphics through the graphicx package is reliable and works well, but occasionally I find its options somewhat limiting. One thing that often causes me to stop and immediately recompile a document I’m working on happens when an… Continue Reading →

Fantastic LaTeX Drawings

http://texample.net http://pgfplots.net

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.1 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file. The documentation can be downloaded separately Note: There is a file embedded… Continue Reading →

TLC in ePub format

Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens, with Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley. The LATEX Companion -– 2nd ed. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-201-36299-6. 2004, Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, MA. Courtesey: Paulo Cereda The 1,200 pages long The… Continue Reading →

Three articles that inspire me lately

An Aspiring Scientist’s Frustration with Modern-Day Academia: A Resignation On Leaving Academe Machine Learning that Matters

TeXtalk: an interview with Khaled Hosny

Hello friends, welcome to the TeXtalk! We have a very special guest for today’s interview: our friend Khaled Hosny, 13k+ rep, 96+ badges, a very active member of our community and our XeTeX/LuaTeX resident expert. Get ready for this awesome… Continue Reading →

TeX4ht and Multicolumn Layout

Nasser M. Abbassi had filed a feature request at TeX4ht project for multicolumn support in TeX4ht which is lacking at the moment. This link provides the latest specifications of W3C relating to multicolumn layout in HTML which some of the… Continue Reading →

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