I like the idea of local TeX communities, and of TeX support in native language. It provides people who don’t read and write English fluently with access to TeX and LaTeX. Also, feeling ok with English, I enjoy reading TeX… Continue Reading →
TeX Live 2018 was released on 28 April 2018. I waited some days until I did the update (and to write here) to see if there might be any issue regarding setup or function. A few points were posted on the TeX… Continue Reading →
LyX 2.3.0 has been released. I listed the quite a lot new features already here: LyX 2.3 release candidate with new features So I will be brief. There’s no Windows (binary) version yet, I guess it will come soon. There’s… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 4. The colortab package The colortab package is another package to color table cells and rules (lines). It is the only alternative to colortbl/xcolor, as… Continue Reading →
The animate package allows to include JavaScript driven animations into a pdf created with LaTeX. This can be particularly useful for beamer presentations. The biggest caveat upfront: the animations are only supported by some pdf readers (AcrobatReader, PDF-XChange, acroread, and… Continue Reading →
The R package animation has a function saveLatex() which creates a tex document (and compiles it) with the animation created by your R code. It essentially produces the individual image files and a tex file that uses the LaTeX package… Continue Reading →
The iX, magazine for professional IT in German language, started a tutorial about LaTeX. The current issue 1/2018 deals with it at an advanced level: Marei Peischl introduces LaTeX based on newest features. (German blog post: on TeXwelt.de) The first part starts with a new package, that even… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 3. The xcolor package While coloring tables, the xcolor package provides the same commands as <a href=”https://www.ctan.org/pkg/colortbl”>colortbl</a>. The reason is that loading the xcolor package… Continue Reading →
As I wanted to write a post about benefits of joining the TeX Users Group, I did a routine check. So I found Greg’s post and Jim’s answer on tex.co/q/217685/213 – click the link to get the full view. I… Continue Reading →
The first public release candidate of LyX 2.3 is available with an amazing amount of new features, such as native biblatex support multiple bibliographies with biblatex native microtype support dynamic quotation marks subequations left aligned equations Inkscape figure template better… Continue Reading →
The referencing functions in LaTeX are pretty powerful. In this article we want to illustrate some of those features and present packages that extend on them. The basic functionality is easy to understand: place a \label{key} behind a chapter, sectioning… Continue Reading →
Series overview Introduction to colors The colortbl package The xcolor package The colortab package 1. Introduction to colors Colors constitute the human visual interpretation of light waves of different wavelengths. Color models There exist several models to represent… Continue Reading →
Most people prefer to not save their figures in the same directory as the tex file itself since it would clutter up quickly. A common solution is to save all figures in a sub-folder of the main directory and use… Continue Reading →
Norbert Preining announced the release of a new graphic user interface for TeX Live, the TeX Live Cockpit. The TL Cockpit works on top of the TeX Live Manager aka tlmgr provides an interface to TeX Live options gives a… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, Unfortunately, I have had very little time to write articles during the past few months. Therefore, I am looking for people interested in writing articles for texblog.org. I am not looking for an expert LaTeX user, but someone… Continue Reading →
Dans un précédent billet d’introduction, nous avons vu comment présenter des exemples linguistiques numérotés et glosés avec LaTeX. Ce billet va présenter quelques solutions pour traiter les gloses de manière systématique et efficace. Intérêt de systématiser les gloses grammaticales Mon… Continue Reading →
I just noticed, that today there is a Back to School sale at Packt Publishing: each LaTeX ebook (and other ebooks) are available for just $10 today. You can also bundle two LaTeX books and a third book for $25 all-together…. Continue Reading →
Exemples numérotés et glosés Les travaux en linguistique sont naturellement illustrés d’exemples. Pour un maximum de clarté, on fait précéder ces exemples d’un numéro permettant de s’y référer et on les présente séparés du texte principal. Il est également d’usage,… Continue Reading →
Day 2 of the SHA hacker camp. Coffee, breakfast, Internet. For the latter, I pulled a long Ethernet cable extension reel to a “datenklo”. To be safe, somehow, I installed a Cisco ASA firewall for wired access, via a dedicated… Continue Reading →
Late this year, but I’m happy to have renewed my membership in the TeX Users Group. I became a member in 2011 as part of the institutional membership of StackExchange I suggested on meta. I had a joint membership (DANTE and… Continue Reading →
Just 5 days to go, then the hacker camp SHA2017 will start. The name stands for “Still Hacking Anyway”, and the camp belongs to a string of hacker camps that happen every 4 years. This year we will meet in… Continue Reading →
Do you know this delicious German pastry? (Photo by Guido Draheim). It’s called “ Spritzkuchen” or “Spritzring”. I thought of it when I was toying with TikZ and pgfplots. It’s similar to a twisted torus. Today I dealt with it… Continue Reading →
TeX Live 2017 has been published today. Note, we may need to wait a bit though, until the CTAN mirrors have replicated the software. Also, MacTeX 2017 is not yet ready for download, but it will follow very soon. Follow… Continue Reading →
Je viens de mettre en ligne le document de la formation LaTeX que j’assure à l’école doctorale de l’INALCO: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/cel-01527916 Résumé : LaTeX est un puissant système d’édition de texte particulièrement bien adapté à la production de documents longs et… Continue Reading →
(This article in German – auf Deutsch) At first I read it on LaTeX.org: there’s a Kickstarter project for creating a free and open source table editor for LaTeX. It’s written in JavaScript and can be web hosted. The goal of the project… Continue Reading →
Je viens de mettre en ligne le fichier style LaTeX pour les thèses en sciences humaines que je propose dans le cadre de la formation LaTeX de l’INALCO. Ce style respecte les directives de l’école doctorale de l’INALCO concernant la présentation… Continue Reading →
Es tut mir leid für meine Leser, dass meine Auftragslage nach wie vor so ist, dass ich keine Zeit finde hier neue Beispiele zu schreiben. Ich habe zwar schon einige Ideen für neue Beiträge aber die Konzeption und Aufbereitung für… Continue Reading →
Foreword We all know the two floating environments [cci_latex]table[/cci_latex] and [cci_latex]figure[/cci_latex] which almost all document classes provide. Every once in a while there is the need for another floating environment. For example chemists often need something like a [cci_latex]scheme[/cci_latex] environment…. Continue Reading →
It has been quite a while since I first published exsheets – a package for creating exercise sheets with LaTeX – in Juni 2012. Since then it has gained a user base and a little bit of popularity as the… Continue Reading →
It’s winter here, and we are waiting for snow. So we will use TeX instead of snow to build some fancy snowmen. For the impatient, there’s an Unicode snowman: . It’s U+2603. Copy and paste to use. For us TikZ… Continue Reading →
Happy Christmas to everyone! For all, who don’t celebrate christmas, have a great holiday season too! The picture of this greeting card was made in TikZ by cfr, our catcode specialist. (You noticed the cat.) What would christmas be without… Continue Reading →
Why do we make fancy things with TikZ? Because we can. Nils Fleischhacker created tikzpeople, a package for drawing people shapes with TikZ. It was heavily inspired by Microsoft Visio’s people shapes. It provides real pgf shapes with anchors for… Continue Reading →
Computer games and science fiction movies use procedural landscapes. Why not use TeX to generate some. The approach is: Using the diamond-square algorithm for generating the height map Using Lua for implementing the algorithm Print with pgfplots, that provides a comprehensive interface for… Continue Reading →
Since TikZ provides a mindmap library, drawing them is pretty easy: Define your styles Use the tree syntax for nesting nodes and children I liked to produce this drawing: And that’s the short code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[landscape]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{mindmap} \usepackage{dtklogos} \begin{document}… Continue Reading →
Mon collègue et ami Guillaume Jacques m’a demandé conseil sur la manière de réaliser un diagramme de parenté avec LaTeX. Les diagrammes de parenté sont un outil courant en anthropologie pour représenter les systèmes de parenté. En effet selon les cultures… Continue Reading →
Just testing this blog, why not writing a post as an exercise. In big projects I have hundreds of sub networks. There’s a lot of small transport networks with small subnet masks, that partition a summarizing net, and there are gateways…. Continue Reading →
Here is a small report about the TUG meeting we had during the TUG 2016 conference in Toronto. I already posted it on LaTeX-Community.org, where we collect TeX conference reports since years. At 4:15 the TUG meeting started. Jim Hefferon… Continue Reading →
Our fellow moderator Joseph wrote on his blog www.texdev.net, that from the next release on LaTeX2e will require e-TeX. Why? Wasn’t LaTeX2e intended to be stable, nowadays only getting bug fixes and new features? Could it break something? Well, e-TeX… Continue Reading →
Every tried running LyX on a Blackberry phone? Or iOS? No problem. Scott told us at LaTeX-Community.org, that there’s a cloud service for running LyX. He and me tested it, and it seems to work well. You can reach it at:… Continue Reading →
Leider bin ich in den nächsten Monaten sehr stark in diverse Projekte eingebunden und dadurch gezwungen, diesen Blog für ein paar Ausgaben zu pausieren. Ich bin vorraussichtlich im Februar oder März 2017 wieder mit neuen Beispielen zur Stelle. Bis dahin… Continue Reading →
Several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world – that’s the board game Pandemic Legacy. Your team of players travel around the world as disease-fighting specialists, researching cures for the plagues and treating disease hotspots. Dominik Wagenführ played that… Continue Reading →
Bien que les sciences du langage soient classées parmi les sciences humaines et sociales, les mathématiques y jouent un rôle important: théorie des langages formels et des automates, théorie de l’information, statistiques et probabilités, logique formelle, etc. Comme évoqué précédemment,… Continue Reading →
Nachdem wir im letzten Monat bereits erfahren haben, wie man Indexeinträge anlegt und sortiert, geht es nun darum die Darstellung des Index anzupassen. Wir werden das Zusammenspiel mit hyperref einrichten, neue Befehle (Attribute) zum Formatieren einer Seitenzahl ergänzen sowie den… Continue Reading →
Diesen und nächsten Monat werden wir uns mit der Indexerstellung in LaTeX befassen. Dabei geht es in diesem Beispiel zunächst nur darum, wie man die Einträge erzeugt und daraus einen sortierten Index generiert. Dazu werden wir xindy und das Paket… Continue Reading →
Some of you probably already know that I also play a lot of music. Playing music in my case also requires writing lead sheets similar to the ones in the Real Book (for which I use MuseScore) and similar to… Continue Reading →
A diagram of the cognitive motivation model of Heckhausen and Rheinberg. I made it as an answer to a question at http://golatex.de/schaubild-mit-tikz-t16597.html styles are used styles base on other styles (inheritance) foreach-loops for repeating things a matrix is used for… Continue Reading →
Um ein Dokument so zu drucken, dass man nach dem Drucken daraus eine klammergeheftete Broschüre machen kann, muss man die Einzelseiten des Dokumentes nach einem ganz bestimmten Schema auf den Druckbogen anordnen, um die Seitenabfolge nicht durcheinander zu bringen. Im… Continue Reading →
In diesem Monat schauen wir uns zunächst an, welche Möglichkeiten wir in LaTeX haben Querverweise auf Abschnitte, Abbildungen, Tabellen, Formeln, Seitenzahlen etc. zu setzen. Anschließend werden wir diese Möglichkeiten durch die Verwendung der Pakete cleveref, varioref, mathtools, hypcap und hyperref… Continue Reading →
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