Do you know this delicious German pastry?
(Photo by Guido Draheim).
It’s called “ Spritzkuchen” or “Spritzring”. I thought of it when I was toying with TikZ and pgfplots. It’s similar to a twisted torus. Today I dealt with it again, when writing on the French TeX question and answer site, with the help of my French TeX friends Patrick Bideault and Denis Bitouzé.
Before I come to code and explanation, here are some of the steps and images in the construction process, using pgfplots.
Let’s get a representative cross section. In polar coordinates, the sine function sin(x) gives a circle, sin(3x) are three leaves, we add a bit radius (1.25) as piece in the middle. This gives us the function sin(3x) + 1.25 in polar coordinates:

We embed it in the space, such as in the xy plane with z=0 as (x,y,z)(t) = ( cos(t)(sin(3t)+1.25), sin(t)(sin(3t) + 1.25), 0 ):

Or differently turned:

We can move it straight through the space for example by drawing in the xz plane and let y run linearly: (x,y,z)(t) = ( cos(t)(sin(3t)+1.25), t, sin(t)(sin(3t)+1.25) ). In space it looks this way:

But we want to turn it. Moving it in a circle in space, we use a torus map, such as:
x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))cos(s+pi/2) y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))sin(s+pi/2) z(t,s) = sin(t)
We connect it with our original function:
x(t,s) = (6+(sin(3t)+1.25)cos(t))cos(s) y(t,s) = (6+(sin(3t)+1.25)cos(t))sin(s) z(t,s) = (sin(3t)+1.25)sin(t)
Here is a half section, moved half a turn:

And fully rotated:

And now to the twist. We can twist it by adding a multiple oft t resp. y to the argument of the function. So we achieve a rotation with growing y value:

Not that we did the math and the TeX, let’s frame it:

Ok, code or it didn’t happen.
% Compile with LuaLaTeX because of heavy computations, too hard for pdfLaTeX \RequirePackage{luatex85}% Only as long as the standalone class is not yet compatible to the newest LuaTeX \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[axis equal, hide axis, /tikz/background rectangle/.style = { left color = black, right color = black!20, shading angle = 135, }, show background rectangle ] \addplot3[ surf, shader = flat, miter limit = 1, domain = 0:360, y domain = 0:360, samples = 100, samples y = 70, z buffer = sort, colormap/hot2, ] ( {(6+(sin(3*(x+3*y))+1.25)*cos(x))*cos(y)}, {(6+(sin(3*(x+3*y))+1.25)*cos(x))*sin(y)}, {((sin(3*(x+3*y))+1.25)*sin(x))} ); \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
All the code and the explanation can be read here – it developed over time:
- German: Drehtransformation mit pgfplots, original post on
- English: Rotation transformation of a parametrized plot, with answer by cmhughes on TeX.SE
- French: Représenter un vissage à l’aide de pgfplots, final version on
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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