Illustration of a back-to-back event topology of two τ leptons (to define acoplanarity or azimuthal separation Δφ in the transverse plane), and multiplicity of pileup (PU) and hard scattering (HS) tracks in a small window along the beam axis (z)…. Continue Reading →
The conventional 3D coordinate system at the CMS detector with definition of the azimuthal angle φ. It is officially described in this paper. For more coordinate systems, please see the “coordinates” tag. For the definition of pseudorapidity, please see here…. Continue Reading →
This post contains Minkowski diagrams of flat spacetime with light cones to illustrate the causal structure, as well as graphical interpretations of Lorentz transformations (“boosts”), and more. Some figures were inspired by Very special relativity – An illustrated guide by… Continue Reading →
Penrose diagram of Minkowski and Schwarzschild metrics to illustrate the causal structure of different spacetime geometries. Lightlike worldlines remain at 45 degrees as indicated by the photons and light cones, i.e. the diagrams are conformal. The grid indicates lines of… Continue Reading →
Kruskal diagram of Schwarzschild spacetime with light cones to illustrate the causal structure. Using Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates, lightlike worldlines remain at 45 degrees, i.e. the diagrams are conformal. The grid indicates lines of constant r and t. The horizon is at… Continue Reading →
Hasse diagrams illustrating how quadrilaterals are related, and marking congruent and right angles, as well as same length sides with a custom macro via pic. Inspired by this image on Wikimedia Commons. Most basic diagram to relate squares, rectangles, rhombi,… Continue Reading →
Some examples of neural network architectures: deep neural networks (DNNs), a deep convolutional neural network (CNN), an autoencoders (encoder+decoder), and the illustration of an activation function in neurons. Basic idea The full LaTeX code at the bottom of this post… Continue Reading →
Nucleus of a (lead) isotope:Lead-lead (PbPb) collisions at the LHC with electromagnetic fields (note Lorentz-contraction):Indicating the impact parameter: Main idea At first I tried randomly assigning an angle and radius (sampling sqrt((rand+1)/2) for uniform distribution along the radius):This did not… Continue Reading →
Seasons of Earth due to Earth’s tilted axis of rotation w.r.t. its orbital plane. Main idea One can use pic to predefine a picture of Earth: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \tikzset{ pics/earth/.style={ % Earth in orbit (argument #1 = polar angle) code={ \message{^^JEarth… Continue Reading →
Standard Model particles plotted as mass versus lifetime to show its stability in the context of high-energy physics detectors such as the CMS detector. Note the average decay length is given by L = γβcτ = (pc/mc2)(cτ), because β =… Continue Reading →
Summary of the elementary particles of the Standard Model, & extensions. Inspired by the commonly used Wikipedia image. The Standard Model Transparent, and grouping particles by interaction with vector bosons: With boxes fully colored: Including the hypothetical graviton (tensor boson,… Continue Reading →
Summary of the elementary Standard Model particles. Inspired by Quanta Magazine and Symmetry Magazine. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2023) % Description: % Standard Model (SM) of Particles Physics table (round) % Inspired by:… Continue Reading →
Matrix of the different types of decays of a pair of Standard Model particles like the tau lepton, W boson, top, Higgs, … Decay modes of two tau leptons (where τh stands for hadronic decay):Branching fractions of ditau decay:Branching fractions… Continue Reading →
Some custom piecharts illustrating the branching fraction of the decay of several Standard Model particles like the tau lepton, Z boson, W boson, top, ttbar, Higgs boson, … Tau lepton decay Ditau decay W boson (or top) decay Same for… Continue Reading →
Meson octets/nonets (Gell-Man’s Eightfold Way), baryon octets & decuplets by plotting strangeness vs. isospin. Pseudoscalar meson nonet Vector meson nonet Baryon octet Baryon decuplet Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2023) % Description: % Meson… Continue Reading →
Graphical representation of the weak hypercharge Y & isospin I3 quantum number (of U(1)Y and SU(2)L) of the Standard Model particles, as well as for different types of leptoquarks. Inspired by this image on Wikipedia. All Standard Model fields:All Standard… Continue Reading →
Physics domains at different spacetime scales & the Bronshtein cube (or “Bronstein cube”). Inspired by “EUREKA!: Physics of Particles, Matter and the Universe” by R.J Blin-Stoyle. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (June 2022) %… Continue Reading →
Showing the different possible and impossible spacetime dimensions. Reproduction of Figure 1 in “On the dimensionality of spacetime” (1997) by M. Tegmark (arXiv:gr-qc/9702052). Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (June 2022) % Inspiration: % “On the… Continue Reading →
Illustration of the effects of new physics on the high-mass or high-pT tails in proton-proton collisions at detectors like CMS. Also shown are expected excesses in observed data, constructive vs. destructive interference, etc. Edit and compile if you like: %… Continue Reading →
Transverse plane of the CMS detector, and illustrating the concept of missing transverse momentum or energy (MET). Also shown are there tracks and calorimeter deposits of a jet. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (April 2022)… Continue Reading →
Signatures of long-lived particles in the CMS detector. Inspired by J. Antonelli’s presentation at ICHEP 2016. Summary of all signatures: Displaced dilepton: Displaced lepton: Heavy long-lived charged particle (HSCP): Disappearing track: Displaced dijet: Displaced vertex: Displaced conversion: Displaced photon: Displaced… Continue Reading →
Decay of the Z boson to leptons. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (Februari 2023) % Description: Decay of the Z boson to leptons. \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{math} % for \tikzmath \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing}… Continue Reading →
Beamspot profile in the CMS detector with pileup vertices & tracks. Made for this CMS paper on the measurement of the γγ → ττ process in proton-proton collisions and the measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the τ lepton… Continue Reading →
Vertex reconstruction of two photon decay in the CMS detector. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (August 2023) % Description: Vertex reconstruction of two photon decay % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \usetikzlibrary{calc}… Continue Reading →
Some examples of a simple flowchart for the categorization of events. A straight arrow with two corners and straight lines is drawn using a simple macro and the calc library: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} % for calculating coordinates in \connect \tikzset{>=latex} \def\connect[#1]… Continue Reading →
Unofficial logo of CMS to be used for creative and fun variations only! Please do NOT use for official publications! You can find official CMS logos here. Note that to run this code, you need to install the classico font… Continue Reading →
Unofficial logo of CERN to be used for creative and fun variations only! Please do NOT use for official publications! Note that to run this code, you need to install the classico font (which is the LaTeX-equivalent for Optima). Alternatively,… Continue Reading →
Graphical interpretation of the complex roots of a quadratic equation. Inspired by this post and this paper. Edit and compile if you like: % Author: Izaak Neutelings (April 2022) % Inspiration: % % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage[outline]{contour}… Continue Reading →
Impact parameter of semileptonic B hadron decay in proton collisions, with tau decay to three pions. % Author: Izaak Neutelings (October 2019) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{esvect} % \vv \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{patterns,decorations.pathmorphing} \tikzset{>=latex} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{intersections} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic \newcommand\Bc{{\mathrm{B}}} \newcommand\Jpsi{{\mathrm{J}\!/\!\psi}} \newcommand{\tikzAngleOfLine}{\tikz@AngleOfLine}… Continue Reading →
Illustration of the construction of the MT2 variable from jet and MET vectors used in SUSY searches at CMS & ATLAS, for example in arXiv:1909.03460. The figure was presented at a talk in Pheno2021. Edit and compile if you like:… Continue Reading →
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