Some examples of a simple flowchart for the categorization of events.
A straight arrow with two corners and straight lines is drawn using a simple macro and the calc
\documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} % for calculating coordinates in \connect \tikzset{>=latex} \def\connect[#1] (#2)!#3!(#4){ % straight connector with two corners \draw[#1] (#2) |- ($(#2)!#3!(#4)$) node[pos=0.5] (#2-#4-1) {} -| (#4) node[pos=0.5] (#2-#4-2) {} } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[red!80!black,fill=red!80!black!20] (A) at (0,0) {node A}; \node[green!60!black,fill=green!60!black!20] (B) at (1,-1) {node B}; \connect[->,thick,red] (A)!0.4!(B); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (January 2023) \documentclass[border=1pt,tikz,dvipsnames]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % for \text \usepackage{physics} % for \abs \usepackage{xspace} % for \xspace \usepackage{bm} % for bold math \bm \usetikzlibrary{positioning} % for position relative to node \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size \usetikzlibrary{calc} % for computing coordinates \tikzset{>=latex} % set default arrow head as latex % VARIABLES \newcommand{\pt} {\ensuremath{p_\text{T}}\xspace} \newcommand{\ptmiss}{\ensuremath{\pt^\text{miss}}\xspace} \newcommand{\mvis} {{\ensuremath{m_\text{vis}}}\xspace} \newcommand{\GeV} {{\ensuremath{\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V}}}\xspace} \newcommand{\ab}[1]{\textbf{\boldmath{#1}}} % bold text & math % TIKZ STUFF \colorlet{myred}{red!80!black} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!80!black} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!50!black} \colorlet{myorange}{orange!80!yellow!90!red!90!black} \tikzstyle{mycomment}=[inner sep=1pt,scale=0.75,align=left] \tikzstyle{mybox}=[draw,#1!80!black,fill=#1!95!black!20,inner sep=5pt,outer sep=3pt, thick,rounded corners=3pt,align=center,font=\bfseries] \tikzstyle{mysmallbox}=[mybox=#1,outer sep=1.5pt] \tikzstyle{myarrow}=[-{Latex[length=8,width=8]},#1!80!black,thick,line cap=round,line width=3] \tikzstyle{mysmallarrow}=[-{Latex[length=6,width=6]},#1!80!black,thick,line width=1.6] % CONNECTOR with straight angles \def\connect[#1](#2)!#3!(#4){ \draw[#1] (#2) |- ($(#2)!#3!(#4)$) node[pos=0.5] (#2-#4-1) {} -| (#4) node[pos=0.5] (#2-#4-2) {} } \begin{document} % JET CATEGORIES with straight lines \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] \def\h{-1.6} % vertical space between rows \def\w{2.6} % horizontal space between two main branches \node[mysmallbox=myred] (O) at (0,0) {% \ab{$\tau\tau$ preselection}}; % JET CATEGORY: 0j \node[mysmallbox=myorange] (0j) at (-\w,\h) {% 0 jet}; % JET CATEGORY: >=1j \node[mysmallbox=mygreen] (1j) at (\w,\h) {% \ab{$\geq$1 jet}}; % 0j MVIS BINS \path (0j)++(0,\h) node[mysmallbox=myorange] (bin2) {% bin 1}; \node[mysmallbox=myorange,left=5pt of bin2] (bin1) {% bin 2}; \node[mysmallbox=myorange,right=5pt of bin2] (bin3) {% bin 3}; % B TAGS \path (1j)++(-1,\h) node[mysmallbox=mygreen] (0b) {% 0 b tag}; \node[mysmallbox=mygreen,right=6pt of 0b] (1b) {% \ab{$\geq$1 b tag}}; % ARROWS %\connect[mysmallarrow=myorange](O.-95)!0.3!(0j); %\connect[mysmallarrow=mygreen](O.-85)!0.3!(1j); \connect[mysmallarrow=myred](O)!0.45!(0j); \connect[mysmallarrow=myred](O)!0.45!(1j); \connect[mysmallarrow=myorange](0j)!0.45!(bin1); \connect[mysmallarrow=myorange](0j)!0.45!(bin2); \connect[mysmallarrow=myorange](0j)!0.45!(bin3); \connect[mysmallarrow=mygreen](1j)!0.45!(0b); \connect[mysmallarrow=mygreen](1j)!0.45!(1b); % LABELS \node[mycomment,right=0pt of O] {% $\pt>50\GeV$}; \node[mycomment,below=-1pt] at (O-0j-1.south) {% jet $\pt>50\GeV$}; \node[mycomment,right=0pt of 1j] {% $\mvis>100\GeV$}; \end{tikzpicture} % JET CATEGORIES \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] \def\h{-1.6} % vertical space between rows \def\w{2.8} % horizontal space between two main branches \node[mybox=myred] (O) at (0,0) {% \ab{$\tau\tau$ preselection}}; % JET CATEGORY: 0j \node[mybox=myorange] (0j) at (-\w,\h) {% 0 jet}; % JET CATEGORY: >=1j %\draw[mybox=mygreen] (-0.3,\h) rectangle++ (6.8,3.1*\h); \node[mybox=mygreen] (1j) at (\w,\h) {% \ab{$\geq$1 jet}}; % 0j MVIS BINS \node[mybox=myorange] (bin2) at (-\w,2*\h) {% bin 1}; \node[mybox=myorange,left=5pt of bin2] (bin1) {% bin 2}; \node[mybox=myorange,right=5pt of bin2] (bin3) {% bin 3}; % B TAGS \node[mybox=mygreen] (0b) at (\w-1,2*\h) {% 0 b tag}; \node[mybox=mygreen,right=6pt of 0b] (1b) {% \ab{$\geq$1 b tag}}; % ARROWS \draw[myarrow=myorange] (O) -- (0j); \draw[myarrow=mygreen] (O) -- (1j); \draw[myarrow=myorange] (0j) -- (bin1); \draw[myarrow=myorange] (0j) -- (bin2); \draw[myarrow=myorange] (0j) -- (bin3); \draw[myarrow=mygreen] (1j) -- (0b); \draw[myarrow=mygreen] (1j) -- (1b); % LABELS \node[mycomment,right=0pt of O] {% $\pt>50\GeV$}; \node[mycomment,below=5pt of O] {% jet $\pt>50\GeV$}; \node[mycomment,right=0pt of 1j] {% $\mvis>100\GeV$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Click to download: categorization_events.tex • categorization_events.pdfOpen in Overleaf: categorization_events.tex.
See also: Original Source by Izaak Neutelings
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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