It’s winter here, and we are waiting for snow. So we will use TeX instead of snow to build some fancy snowmen. For the impatient, there’s an Unicode snowman: ☃. It’s U+2603. Copy and paste to use.

For us TikZ friends, Hironobu Yamashita released a new package on CTAN: scsnowman. It pro­vides a com­mand \sc­snow­man which can dis­play various snow­men, customizable by options.

Just load the package in addition to TikZ:


Then use the new command such as in these examples:

\scsnowman[scale=2, body, hat=red, muffler=blue]
\scsnowman[scale=3, hat, snow, arms, buttons]
\scsnowman[scale=2, mouthshape=tight, muffler=red]
\scsnowman[scale=2, mouthshape=frown, hat=green]


You can find the package and instructions on CTAN and on github.

See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.