Several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world – that’s the board game Pandemic Legacy. Your team of players travel around the world as disease-fighting specialists, researching cures for the plagues and treating disease hotspots.
Dominik Wagenführ played that game with friends, and he had the idea to write a diary of all the events happening during the game. The publisher allowed him to use pictures of the game for it. He even used a publication service to print it on paper and to bind it.
- The whole story by Dominik, in German
- The book as PDF file (11.9 MB)
- The LaTeX source code of the book
Sample images by Dominik Wagenführ,
Very interesting idea. Perhaps you like role-playing games, and would like to create a book of your adventures? LaTeX is great for it!
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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