After having worked about 18 years on getting Debian users a great TeX experience, things have turned sour between Debian and me. So I think it is time to look a bit at my contributions over these years, for this… Continue Reading →
For some years now, I have been maintaining the course notes for my graduate course as a website rather than a PDF document. I started with handwritten course notes the first time I taught the course, and then I typed… Continue Reading →
A website and what it means to us The Island of TeX is all about the TeX community and providing tools to its ecosystem. We have always tried and will always try our best to be present in the TeX… Continue Reading →
Get the Champagne ready, we have released the final images of TeX Live 2023. The biggest change in this year’s release is the switch to 64bit Windows binaries, and renaming the binary directory from win32 to windows. This change triggered… Continue Reading →
Modelling is central to the Digital Humanities. Even so much that some claim it is what unites the DH as a field or discipline! But what is modelling? What do we mean by it anyway? This post will hopefully provide… Continue Reading →
A great welcome to the new year — wnarifin has agreed to take up the maintenance of usmthesis! Please follow new updates at The old repo is now archived. Thank you again wnarifin! See also: Original Source by LianTze… Continue Reading →
I’ll cut to the chase: Cuti-cuti Malaysia calendar for 2023! PDF for Penang version: download here. For other states download the .zip or clone this Overleaf project to your own Overleaf account. Change \def\mylocation{Penang} to e.g. \def\mylocation{Selangor} If you would… Continue Reading →
The LaTeX Thesis Template will be released soon with a new updated version with a new code using LuaLaTeX. It was already available when my first LaTeX Template was released in 2013. Since that time, a lot has happened in… Continue Reading →
Today’s post is a short introduction to digital scholarly editing. I will explain some basic principles (so mostly theory) and point you to a few resources you will need to get started in a more practical fashion. I’m teaching a… Continue Reading →
It is quite natural to think that separating a word up into individual characters is quite easy. It turns out that for the computer this isn’t really the case. If we look at a system that understands Unicode (like XeTeX… Continue Reading →
A topic that comes up for many LaTeX users is how best to mark up math mode in sentences: inline math mode. LaTeX offers three (!) official ways to do that $…$ \(…\) \begin{math} … \end{math} The last version is… Continue Reading →
Bei wurde mein zweiter LaTeX-Artikel veröffentlicht, ihr findet ihn hier: Der erste Artikel zum Thema befindet sich hier: Uwe Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to… Continue Reading →
Manuscripts typically contain many different types of numbering: page numbering, sections, subsections, figures, tables etc. Types of counters Each counter has a different name that is used to modify them. This is typically slightly different from the one that is… Continue Reading →
Following up from the previous post Using APA7 with umalayathesis, but about usmsthesis. Likewise, I am hoping (against hope?) that one day, apacite package will be updated to support APA7, so that usmthesis.cls won’t need to undergo overhauling either. But… Continue Reading →
Currently the umalayathesis class uses apacite to implement the bibliography style, but apacite supports only APA6. For full APA7 it would be necessary to use biblatex-apa; no BibTeX style for full APA7 exists yet. I’m still hoping (against hope?) that… Continue Reading →
Since a few years I am also managing tlcontrib – the supplementary TeX Live package repository. It contains quite a lot of packages which cannot make it into TeX Live proper out of various reasons. Thanks to CTAN Team, package… Continue Reading →
Important changes Please consult our changelog for a detailed view on all changes and references to our issue tracker. This post is targeted at our users and will only cover the most relevant changes. Making header mode the default Prior… Continue Reading →
Over and over again we were searching for BibTeX styles files (.bst) that follow the required styles of specific journals. So we decided to create a list ourselves. If you have any additions or corrections, please lets us know! You… Continue Reading →
Get the Champagne ready, we have released the final images of TeX Live 2022. This year’s TeX Live release was one of the most unspectacular I can remember. No big problems, not last minute code changes, no panic updates in… Continue Reading →
I mentioned recently that I’m working on features for siunitx v3.1. One area that I’ve now been able to commit is improvements to handling complex values. In v2, you could give complex values in the normal argument to \num or… Continue Reading →
I’ve now done 49 (!) minor releases of siunitx on the v3.0.x branch. These have addressed quite a few minor bugs: I expected to have to do a bit of work since the shift from v2 was quite major. Things… Continue Reading →
Dienstag abend hat die LaTeX Community Twitter erfolgreich durchgespielt: es wurde das Level erreicht, dass LaTeX in Deutschland auf Twitter trendet, den Abend lang. Und zwar in der korrekten Schreibweise, wichtig. Keine andere Sache. Was ist passiert? Wir haben uns… Continue Reading →
In this tutorial, we will see how to write a multiple-choice exam in LaTeX, using the exam document class. This document class provides multiple tools to easily typeset exams in LaTeX, and we have already explored some of its capabilities… Continue Reading →
Learn how to write and customize a minimalistic curriculum vitae in LaTeX. Understand the logic behind every macro, and also how you can make modifications to customize it. If your goal is not to become a TeXnician, but instead to… Continue Reading →
That’s an English translation a German blog post that you can find here: I’d like to support promoting becoming a new member of DANTE e.V. because I wish to see more LaTeX friends here. February 8, 2022: More than… Continue Reading →
An English translation of this post is here: Da ich mir mehr LaTeX-Freunde für unseren Verein DANTE e.V. wünsche, möchte ich die Werbung von Neumitgliedern mit einem LaTeX-Buch unterstützen. 8. Februar 2022: Mehr als 10 Bücher verfügbar. Warum DANTE-Mitglied… Continue Reading →
A long wanted change to this blog and a consequence of moving this blog away from purely chemistry related topics to all things related to LaTeX was to change the url from to There is not much more… Continue Reading →
After having been (again) demoted (timed perfectly to my round birthday!) based on flimsy arguments, I have been forced to rethink the level of contribution I want to do for Debian. Considering in particular that I have switched my main… Continue Reading →
Heute, am Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2022, gibt es den ersten Berliner LaTeX-Stammtisch des Jahres 2022, um 19 Uhr. Nur für Berliner? Weiß nicht, hab ich gerade auf Twitter gefragt. Weil es ist ja online mit jitsi-meet auf dieser Adresse:… Continue Reading →
Given two vectors in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), there are two main operations that are defined between them: First there is the sum of the two vectors, which gives another vector in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). Second, there is the dot product, which is an operation… Continue Reading →
In this series of tutorials, we are going to see a powerful tool to easily write exams in LaTeX: exam document class. This document class, which comes in the form of an external package, was written by Philip Hirschhorn, from… Continue Reading →
In the TeX world, the name Stefan Kottwitz is best known for the websites and forums he runs, but Stefan is not just a server admin but also a book author. The first edition of his LaTeX beginners book was… Continue Reading →
Inside a LaTeX document, every floating environment (usually figures or tables) is usually followed by a caption, that is, by a small paragraph that specifies the floating object (if it is a Figure, a Table, a Listing, etc.) followed by… Continue Reading →
One of the five basic LaTeX document classes is the book document class. This class, used to produce high-quality books ready for professional printing, has many characteristics that make it suitable for this purpose: for instance, it is two sided… Continue Reading →
In the first part of this tutorial, we learned how the inner separation relates to the general node’s structure. Let’s delve a bit deeper into the arcane of the option. The general structure of a node For clarity keep in… Continue Reading →
Antioch Sanders told us on about his new project that he called extexify. That’s a browser extension for finding LaTeX symbols by drawing them with mouse or finger on the display. It is inspired by detexify, but works integrated… Continue Reading →
As you could learn from previous posts, nodes are among the most useful TikZ tools. Mastering them lets create advanced graphics with relatively little effort. The inner separation argument is one of the key features for understanding how nodes work… Continue Reading →
OK, time for another Cuti-cuti Malaysia calendar for 2022… and yes I’m shamelessly reusing text wholesale from last year’s post You can download the PDF customised for Penang here. If you would just like a calendar without the Malaysian holidays… Continue Reading →
In this tutorial, we are going to see how to write bulleted lists in LaTeX. Moreover, we will learn how to change and customize bullets style. The latter includes: correct, wrong, hand, star, pen, flower, arrows, and much more! 1…. Continue Reading →
In this post, we will learn how to write the Laplace transform symbol in LaTeX using different commands. 1. What is Laplace transform? The Laplace transform of an expression \(f(t)\) is denoted by \(\mathscr{L}\{f(t)\}\) and is defined as the semi… Continue Reading →
One important element when working with mathematics is fractions. We are taught to use fractions in school, but their presence is constant throughout all fields of mathematics and sciences. Writing fractions inside a LaTeX document is straightforward: you just have… Continue Reading →
By default, LaTeX leaves no vertical separation between different paragraphs. Instead, it indents the first line of the new paragraph. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to control this indentation: how to change the amount new paragraphs… Continue Reading →
Sometimes, for example when sending a review of a paper, I do not want the pdf file to contain any metadata. Ideally, the editorial process should take care of this, but I do not want to take any chances. In… Continue Reading →
Including the current date in your LaTeX document is quite straightforward. Simply put \today whereever you want the current timestamp (i.e. the date at the time of compiling the document), and you get the current date: \documentclass[english,a4paper,oneside,12pt]{article} \begin{document} Today’s date… Continue Reading →
The TeX Live contrib repository has been for many years now a valuable source of packages that cannot enter proper TeX Live due to license restrictions etc. I took over maintenance of it in 2017 from Taco, and since then… Continue Reading →
You might have seen that PDF documents have (as many other files as well) their own document properties, such as the document’s author, title, etc. Using LaTeX’s hyperref package, you can very easily define these in the preamble of your… Continue Reading →
The release of TeX Live 2021 is already half a year away, but due to the delay of waiting for Debian/Bullseye release, we haven’t updated TeX Live in Debian for quite some time. But the waiting is over, today I… Continue Reading →
A Lorenz system by Henri Menke: % !TEX lualatex \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{luacode,pgfplots} \begin{luacode*} — Differential equation of Lorenz attractor function f(x,y,z) local sigma = 3 local rho = 26.5 local beta = 1 return {sigma*(y-x),-x*z + rho*x – y,x*y – beta*z}… Continue Reading →
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