Another flower without comment. function source is here. \documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \renewcommand*{\r}{(sin(4*u)^3 + cos(2*u)^3 + sin(6*v)^2 + cos(6*v)^4)} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ view = {120}{310}, hide axis, colormap = {flower}{ color(0cm) = (yellow); color(4cm) = (yellow!70!red); color(8cm) = (red!60!black); color(12cm) =… Continue Reading →
Without much comments a flower, or a Parametric Breather Pseudospherical Surface. \documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \pgfplotsset{trig format plots=rad} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ view = {60}{-60}, hide axis, colormap = {flower}{% color(0cm) = (yellow); color(4cm) = (orange); color(8cm) = (red!40!black); color(12cm) = (red!80!black);… Continue Reading →
That’s from my German blog Recently I played with the sine function, that “wave” that everybody knows in cartesian coordinates. Let’s take a look at a 3d polar complex sine made plot. In polar coordinates the sine function is… Continue Reading →
That plot is from my German blog I planned to model this nice cake: (Foto by Guido Draheim). Like a cruller, just, ehm, more digital and mathematical. How do we draw it? Let’s think of a cross-section. In polar… Continue Reading →
Die DANTE-Frühjahrstagung fand wegen der Corona-Kontaktbeschränkungen komplett online statt. Auch die Herbsttagung wird virtuell stattfinden, über die Plattform „Online Schule Saarland“. Das Programm, vom 17. bis 19. September 2021: Freitag, 17.9.: ab 19:30 Uhr Vorabendtreff Samstag,18.9.: ab 9 Uhr Begrüßung… Continue Reading →
The following text is in German because it’s about the German language user group meeting 2021. Im vergangenen Jahr sind leider beide DANTE-Tagungen wegen der Pandemie ausgefallen. Die Frühjahrstagung fand wegen der Kontaktbeschränkungen komplett online statt. Auch die Herbsttagung wird… Continue Reading →
The following text is in German because it’s about the German language user group meeting 2021. Im vergangenen Jahr sind leider beide DANTE-Tagungen wegen der Pandemie ausgefallen. Die Frühjahrstagung fand wegen der Kontaktbeschränkungen komplett online statt. Auch die Herbsttagung wird… Continue Reading →
In 2020, the Island of TeX introduced Docker images for easily reproducible builds as well as a semi-official response to the need for continuous integration. These images were among the first using vanilla TeX Live, providing the required tools for… Continue Reading →
This post is not really about ConTeXt but about how I could use ConTeXt to quickly hash out an idea which involved some text processing. One of my long running (for more than a decade now) ConTeXt projects is typesetting… Continue Reading →
MacKichan Software, Inc. stopped it’s business on June 30, 2021. Their products Scientific WorkPlace (SWP), Scientific Word, and Scientific Notebook, that are based on LaTeX, will not be sold or supported anymore. The future plan for Scientific Word is to… Continue Reading →
StackExchange, bekannt als StackOverflow, ist an Prosus verkauft worden für 1,8 Milliarden Dollar. Das beinhaltet die TeX StackExchange Q&A Seite (TeX.SE). Prosus ist ein Technology-Investor und eine Holding Company die bereits Unternehmen wie Udemy, Codecadamy und Brainly (“Your 24/7 homework… Continue Reading →
Whether it is lecture slides or presentations, you often wants to distribute pdf-versions of your beamertex file. If you are using overlay to blockwise show text or blockwise highlighting parts of tables (see here and here for ways to color… Continue Reading →
Nach einem kurzen Gespräch auf hat Patrick Bideault das coffeestains-Paket auf TikZ portiert. Das ursprünglich von Hanno Rein in 2009 entworfene Paket erfuhr damit eine Modernisierung und läuft einwandfrei mit pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX, und LuaLaTeX auf TeX Live 2021. Damit… Continue Reading →
Gerade in Internet-Foren ist es üblich, Problem-Beispiele zu posten, und Antworten enthalten oft vollständige Lösungs-Codes. Mit kann man nun Code mit einem einzigen Klick direkt auf der Webseite übersetzen. Das geht auch auf dem Tablet oder Mobiltelefon, wo auch… Continue Reading →
This short guide is about drawing a simple spring mass system in LaTeX using TikZ package. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to fill shapes with patterns, create and customize a coil shape and position nodes… Continue Reading →
This post is about drawing a simple plot in LaTeX using TikZ package. We will consider the step response of a first order system as an illustrative example. Let’s get into the details! Table of Contents What is a step… Continue Reading →
In this step-by-step tutorial, we will learn how to draw trees in LaTeX using TikZ package. Trees as a data visualization tool Tree diagrams are used to represent hierarchical information, which means there is a root and all the other… Continue Reading →
In this tutorial, we will learn how to plot 3D functions and data in LaTeX using Pgfplots package. We will learn also how to create scatter plots, mesh plots and surface plots. Moreover, we will see how to customize our… Continue Reading →
In this tutorial, we will learn how to fill the area between two plot lines in LaTeX using PGFplots package and fillbetween library. We will draw the axis, place the function plots and fill the area between them. Table of… Continue Reading →
This tutorial is one of post series about predefined TikZ shapes, or more precisely TikZ node shapes. In this post, we will learn how to create a TikZ rectangle node shape, change its size, its color and access to all… Continue Reading →
This tutorial is one of post series about predefined TikZ shapes, or more precisely TikZ node shapes. In this post, we will learn how to create a TikZ diamond node shape, change its size, its color and access to all… Continue Reading →
In this tutorial, we will draw a free body diagram of an inverted pendulum in LaTeX using TikZ package. We will draw a cart and place a moving rod on top of it, then place the arrows to represent forces… Continue Reading →
Get the Champagne ready, we have released the final images of TeX Live 2021. For this year’s release process we have changed how to deal with updates of the tlnet distribution for TeX Live 2020 during the preparation: Due to… Continue Reading →
The following text is in German because it’s about the German language user group meeting 2021. Im vergangenen Jahr sind leider beide DANTE-Tagungen wegen der Pandemie ausgefallen. Dieses Jahr wird die Frühjahrstagung stattfinden, jedoch wegen der Kontaktbeschränkungen komplett online. Anmelden… Continue Reading →
Important changes Please consult our changelog for a detailed view on all changes and references to our issue tracker. This post which is targeted at our users will only cover the most relevant changes. More configurable and default preambles Preambles… Continue Reading →
Over the years I created a number of LaTeX packages some of which do keep me me quite busy and have gained a solid user base. Some I wish I’d never created, but well… Other packages have their place but… Continue Reading →
For some time I looked for a way to simplify the process of linking LaTeX files of my manuscripts with the replies to editors and referees. In particular, I was looking for a way to automatically update cross-references (i.e. to… Continue Reading →
Here I fill the space below the function z = x^2+y^2 to get a solid object. I did it by: Plotting the curves at the edges, for x=0 and y=0 Plotting the bottom edges Naming the paths above using name… Continue Reading →
The sine function is a well known periodic function. Choose an argument factor, which doesn’t divide the period well, and you can see a complicated path around the origin. This plot was originally made for my blog post on… Continue Reading →
The sine function is a well known periodic function. Choose an argument factor, which doesn’t divide the period well, and add another sine function with a different factor, and you can see a complicated path around the origin. This plot… Continue Reading →
This is a picture of a Julia set, named after the French mathematician Gaston Julia. Computing requires a lot of iterations, that’s why we use Lua. The function for the set is z -> z^2 – 0.742 + 0.1i. The… Continue Reading →
The Mandelbrot consists of points whose boundary is a two-dimensional fractal shape. It is named after the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. It’s computed using a lot of iterations, that’s why we use Lua here for the calculation. The sampling is done… Continue Reading →
With pgfplots 1.10 and its fillbetween library we can fill the area between curves in a new convenient way: draw the first function and give it a name draw the second function and name it too add a fill between… Continue Reading →
We know for example informational or scientific posters seen at conferences or at walls in universities or institutes. They mostly have certain characteristics in common: They have a large size, such as A2, A1 or even A0. People may look… Continue Reading →
Functions with two arguments can be visualized in three-dimensional plots. Getting this on paper or into a PDF, is a bit more challenging. We need a projection, a view point, or angle, there’s a depth which means parts should be… Continue Reading →
A well-known classic field of mathematics is geometry. You may know Euclidean geometry from school, with constructions by compass and ruler. Math teachers may be very interested in drawing geometry constructions and explanations. Underlying constructions can help us with general… Continue Reading →
Using basic TikZ function it’s not too hard to create a line, add some ticks and date values and annotations. This example shows another colorful predesigned way using the timeline library. Until the timelime library becomes official part of TikZ… Continue Reading →
A mind map visualizes information or ideas. Usually, there’s a main concept in the center and major concepts branching outward from it. Smaller ideas start from the major concepts. So, a mind map can look like a spider web. Here,… Continue Reading →
A flowchart showing how we may choose a math environment. It shows using styles, placing nodes in a matrix, and drawing arrows using loops. Full explanation in Chapter 9, Creating Graphics: Constructing a flowchart. Edit and compile if you like:… Continue Reading →
A horizontal tree, growing to the right. I created a basic style for tree nodes, and derived styles for specific kinds of nodes. Full explanation in Chapter 9, Creating Graphics: Growing a tree. Edit and compile if you like: %… Continue Reading →
A bar chart can be used for comparing values. Here we create a horizontal bar chart. The pgfplots package provides an easy way. In this example, I reduced axis data to focus on the values. So I do not show… Continue Reading →
A simple tree with a style for all nodes. A tree is a very common type of hierarchical graph. Tree nodes have children. These are connected by edges and are usually displayed in rows when growing down or in columns… Continue Reading →
A flowchart showing a common TeX workflow, using the smartdiagram package. Full explanation in Chapter 9, Creating Graphics: Building smart diagrams Edit and compile if you like: % A flowchart of a TeX workflow % Author: Stefan Kottwitz %… Continue Reading →
Manually importing references into your BiBTeX database can be tedious (and prone to make errors…). While you can download the BiBTeX code from the journal websites or other sites such as IDEAS, there are three four other useful ways to… Continue Reading →
When submitting papers, journals often require double-spaced footnotes. While there seem to be different approaches to it, this one worked quite well. It requires the footnotemisc package. You simply need to enter the following code in the preamble of your… Continue Reading →
Especially when making changes in collaborations, it is quite useful to have strikethrough text, so that collaborators can see the deleted text (which can thereafter be deleted). While there are ways to use track changes for LaTeX (see our earlier… Continue Reading →
As an academic, I often have to write letters and grant applications where I need to need to prepare a single PDF which includes the letter or the grant application with one of more research papers “attached” at the end…. Continue Reading →
The usual monthly drop of TeX Live packages. This time it took a few iterations to fix upgrade problems due to files being moved, but now we are there. All arch all packages have been updated to the tlnet state… Continue Reading →
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