A mindmap showing TeX projects supported by DANTE e.V., the german language TeX user group with home page at http://www.dante.de
DANTE sponsors their server costs for the web sites shown in the mindmap.
- TeX forums
- TeX galleries
- TeX blogs
- Tools, documentation and FAQ
Less for explanation, as the code has been done quick and far from perfect, but is shown here to share.
Edit and compile if you like:
% A mindmap showing TeX online projects supported % by DANTE e.V. which sponsors their server costs. % Author: Stefan Kottwitz \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{dtklogos} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{mindmap,shadows} \usepackage[hidelinks,pdfencoding=auto]{hyperref} % Information boxes \newcommand*{\info}[4][16.3]{% \node [ annotation, #3, scale=0.65, text width = #1em, inner sep = 2mm ] at (#2) {% \list{$\bullet$}{\topsep=0pt\itemsep=0pt\parsep=0pt \parskip=0pt\labelwidth=8pt\leftmargin=8pt \itemindent=0pt\labelsep=2pt}% #4 \endlist }; } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ every annotation/.style = {draw, fill = white, font = \Large}] \path[mindmap,concept color=black!40,text=white, every node/.style={concept,circular drop shadow}, root/.style = {concept color=black!40, font=\large\bfseries,text width=10em}, level 1 concept/.append style={font=\Large\bfseries, sibling angle=50,text width=7.7em, level distance=15em,inner sep=0pt}, level 2 concept/.append style={font=\bfseries,level distance=9em}, ] node[root] {Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Django, Joomla, Dwoo, OSQA, phpBB, WordPress, Mediawiki} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=blue!60] { node {\href{http://golatex.de}{go\LaTeX\\.de}} [clockwise from=90] child { node (goForum) {\href{http://golatex.de/index.html}{Forum}} } child { node (goWiki) {\href{http://golatex.de/wiki/Hauptseite}{Wiki}} } } child[concept color=blue] { node[concept] {\href{http://texwelt.de}{\TeX welt\\.de}} [clockwise from=30] child { node[concept] (TeXnique) {\href{http://texnique.fr}{\TeX nique\\.fr}} } child { node[concept] (TeXweltQA) {\href{http://texwelt.de/wissen/}{Fragen~\& Antworten}} } child { node[concept] (TeXweltBlog) {\href{http://texwelt.de/blog/}{User blog} }} } child[concept color=green!40!black] { node[concept] {\href{http://texample.net/}{\TeX ample\\.net}} [clockwise from=310] child { node[concept] (TikZGalerie) {\href{http://texample.net/tikz/examples/}{TikZ-Galerie}} } child { node[concept] (TeXampleBlog) {\href{http://texample.net/weblog/}{Blog}} } child { node[concept] (Planet) {\href{http://texample.net/community/}{Planet}} } } child[concept color=red] { node[concept] (PGFPlots) {\href{http://pgfplots.net}{PGFPlots\\.net}} [clockwise from=270] } child[concept color=red!60!black] { node[concept] {\href{http://latex-community.org/}{\LaTeX-Community\\.org}} [counterclockwise from=100] child { node[concept] (LaTeXForum) {\href{http://latex-community.org/forum/}{Forum}}} child { node[concept] (LaTeXArtikel) {\href{http://latex-community.org/know-how}{Artikel-Archiv}} } child { node[concept] (LaTeXNews) {\href{http://latex-community.org/home/news}{News}} } } child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] (TeXdoc) {\href{http://texdoc.net/}{\TeX doc\\.net}} [clockwise from=100] child { node[concept] {\href{http://www.tex.ac.uk}{UK \TeX \\FAQ}} }} child[concept color=yellow!60!black] { node[concept] (Blogs) {Blogs} [clockwise from=139] child { node[concept] {\href{http://texblog.net/}{\TeX blog\\.net}}} child { node[concept] {\href{http://tikz.de/}{TikZ.de}} } child { node[concept] (Cookbook) {\href{http://latex-cookbook.net/}{\LaTeX-\\Cookbook\\.net}} } }; \info{goForum.north east}{above,anchor=west,xshift=1em}{% \item[] Seit 2008 \item 68\,444 Beiträge \item 13\,715 Themen \item 5\,532 registrierte Nutzer } \info{LaTeXForum.north west}{above,anchor=south}{% \item[] Seit 2008 \item 81\,991 Beiträge \item 21\,026 Themen \item 13\,354 registrierte Nutzer } \info[8]{LaTeXArtikel.west}{below,anchor=north east,xshift=3em,yshift=-2em}{% \item 115 Artikel } \info[11]{LaTeXNews.south west}{below,anchor=north}{% \item 240 Meldungen } \info[9]{TikZGalerie.south}{below,anchor=north}{% \item[] Seit 2006 \item 172 Autoren \item 384 Beispiele } \info[15]{goWiki.south}{below,anchor=north,xshift=3em}{% \item 152 erklärte Konzepte, Befehle und Pakete } \info{TeXweltQA.south east}{above,anchor=north west}{% \item[] Seit 2013 \item 1\,710 Fragen \item 2\,151 Antworten \item 479 registrierte Nutzer } \info[8]{TeXweltBlog.south}{below,anchor=north,xshift=2em}{% \item[] Seit 2013 \item 14 Autoren } \info[9]{PGFPlots.south west}{anchor=north east,xshift=1em}{% \item 14 Autoren \item 59 Beispiele } \info[6]{Planet.west}{anchor=east}{% \item 46 Blogs } \info[14]{TeXnique.east}{anchor=west,xshift = 0.5em}{% \item[] 2015, aufgrund Idee mit französischen \TeX-Freunden nach der TUG Damstadt, experimentell } \info[16]{Cookbook.east}{anchor=south west}{% \item[] Ab 10/2015, soll ca. 100 Beispiele aus dem \LaTeX\ Cookbook zeigen, sowie Community-Rezepte } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Click to download: servers.tex • servers.pdfOpen in Overleaf: servers.tex
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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