On LaTeX-Community.org, founded January 2007, many authors published articles about LaTeX and related tools. The article database has been changed from Joomla to a modern WordPress CMS, mainly because of security concerns. The site has been renamed to LaTeX.net. The accompanying forum has been renamed to LaTeX.org and upgraded. Thanks to ICANN and IANA for getting convenient names.

Uwe Ziegenhagen posted three articles on LaTeX.net this weekend. Click the large title to get to the article.

A Beamer Template for MINT Lectures


He created a beamer template where individual lectures could be compiled both separately and all together. A polished version of the template has been uploaded to Github. A special focus is on displaying source code.

Creating bilingual Beamer slides


It shows an example how to create bilingual slides in a single document. One can switch between German and English by simply setting the babel language in the document options.

Typesetting todo lists with fontawesome and the tasks package


Uwe shows, how todo lists and similar documents can be typeset with the tasks package.

In an example he defines three tasks environments (for TODO, PROGRESSING, DONE) using different symbols from the fontawesome package. One could also use these packages to e.g. get entries from a Trello board.

See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.