The iX, magazine for professional IT in German language, started a tutorial about LaTeX. The current issue 1/2018 deals with it at an advanced level: Marei Peischl introduces LaTeX based on newest features.

(German blog post: on

The first part starts with a new package, that even old hands often did not use yet: scrlayer, for page layouts based on layers. The concise summary with examples quickly shows how it can be used as a layout tool, and almost imperceptibly I tried something new, instead of the proven scrpage2 or good old fancyhdr. The article deals with the task of implementing a specific corporate design within LaTeX.

Marei Peischl

  • explains the scrlayer package and working with layers
  • uses TikZ as tool for positioning content
  • shows page headers with dynamic content built with scrlayer-scrpage
  • uses the crop package for crop marks in print
  • demonstrates separation lines above and below header and footer area
  • changes type area dimensions within the document whenever required (\newgeometry)
  • chooses system fonts with modern tools (fontspec etc.) so one can easily use corporate fonts

Just a few pages provide a time saving overview about modern tools to meet challenges of layout and design requirements. After reading this article, one can directly implement a corporate design, with the help of the packages reference manuals. I just think it would have been good idea to add an explicit hint how to access package manuals and documentation, such as locally by texdoc, or online at or by entering the package name in the search field. On the other hand, a user should already know this, and the tutorial aims at broadening the skills of proficient users.

In that sense the next parts will also deal with advanced topics:

  • Programming LaTeX3 (expl3) – the advanced world for LaTeX developers
  • Generating PDF documents with import of external data

The iX 1/2018 is available for just a few days, if not sold out already, as it appeared Dec 21 last year. So, of interested, take a quick view at the newspaper kiosk. In addition, one can download the whole article (or the whole iX issue) here: Textsatz: Automatisierte Dokumentenverarbeitung mit LaTeX, Teil 1: Corporate Design erstellen (direct link: the shop). In a few days (I guess Jan 21) the new issue will arrive in the newspaper kiosk – then with a LaTeX3 article.



See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz

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