Since TikZ provides a mindmap library, drawing them is pretty easy:
- Define your styles
- Use the tree syntax for nesting nodes and children
I liked to produce this drawing:
And that’s the short code:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[landscape]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{mindmap} \usepackage{dtklogos} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \path [ mindmap, text = white, level 1 concept/.append style = {font = \Large\bfseries, sibling angle = 90}, level 2 concept/.append style = {font = \normalsize\bfseries}, level 3 concept/.append style = {font = \small\bfseries}, tex/.style = {concept, ball color = blue, font = \Huge\bfseries}, engines/.style = {concept, ball color = green!50!black}, formats/.style = {concept, ball color = blue!50!black}, systems/.style = {concept, ball color = red!90!black}, editors/.style = {concept, ball color = orange!90!black} ] node {\TeX} [clockwise from = 0] child[concept color = green!50!black, nodes = {engines}] { node {Engines} [clockwise from = 90] child { node {\TeX} } child { node {pdf\TeX} } child { node {\XeTeX} } child { node {Lua\TeX} }} child [concept color = blue, nodes = {formats}] { node {Formats} [clockwise from = 300] child { node {\LaTeX} } child { node {\ConTeXt} }} child [concept color = red, nodes = {systems}] { node {Systems} [clockwise from = 210] child { node {\TeX Live} [clockwise from = 300] child { node {Mac \TeX} }} child { node {MiK\TeX} [clockwise from = 60] child { node {Pro \TeX t} }}} child [concept color = orange, nodes = {editors}] { node {Editors} }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
If you get errors, ensure that the dtklogos
and hologo
package are installed, otherwise replace commands such as \ConTeXt
by a simple word ConTeXt.
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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