That’s an English translation a German blog post that you can find here:

I’d like to support promoting becoming a new member of DANTE e.V. because I wish to see more LaTeX friends here.

February 8, 2022: More than 10 books available.

Why should I become a DANTE member?

You would be part of a big community of LaTeX enthusiasts. We love that typesetting system that we support by our membership. Here, in addition to LaTeX users there are many active supporters. Some write books and articles, some maintain servers, some develop and distribute LaTeX software or give trainings.

For example, I maintain several LaTeX internet forums in German, English and French, LaTeX online compiler, archive server, documentation server, FAQ pages, LaTeX graphic galleries and sites of bloggers; you can find a long list at DANTE sponsors the hardware.

As a member you get to know many things behind the scenes of the LaTeX world in the member journal, on the mailing list, or at (online) meetings.

Which book would I get?

It’s my personal offer, so I can just offer one of my books.

  • The LaTeX Beginner’s Guide of 2021 (freshly revised second edition) – you can find all details, code examples and reviews on On amazon it would be 32,08 € for the printed version and 17,97 € for the ebook.
  • The LaTeX Cookbook of 2015, details, code examples and reviews are on On amazon it is available for 43,85 € in the printed version and for 24,71 € as an ebook.

Here, we talk about the ebook.


How can I receive the book?

I would like to give you the book as a properly licensed ebook in a way that’s acceptable for the publisher. You will get an account at the Packt Publishing website registered to your name and your email address. That contains the book with download options and the invoice. You can get it as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, or Kindle version on your kindle reader or on your smartphone with kindle app (works fine on a smartphone).

How can I do this?

If you like LaTeX and you would like to join DANTE, great! Write me an email to and tell me which one of the books you like, I will reserve it for you. Then register at

I will ask DANTE e.V. if you are a member, your agreement for this and for allowing me to make you a Packt Publishing website account is required here, and by joining this plan you agree with it.

Membership fees are on the registration page, such as 15 € (pupils), 20 € (students, retirees), otherwise the regular fee is 40 € per person. So, if you are a student, the saved money for the book is close to the membership fee.

There are more than 10 book copies available. I will write here when it gets exhausted. Otherwise it’s ongoing and you could expect a book. Of course it’s a personal offer by me and not binding, I’ll try my best.

If I’m already a member, can I still get a book for free?

I’m pleased that you are interested, just write me to Perhaps I got another copy just for you.

What else?

Then, as you are in email conversation with me, you may ask me what you would like to know – how is book writing, how is publishing, how do web servers work and forum and what makes an online LaTeX compiler work, what do we do at online meetings, and more.

Let me know!

See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.