On X (Twitter), Juan Carlos aka @jcponcemath posts math content frequently. I saw hist post about the Aizawa attractor, a spherical-shaped attractor made from 6 parameters (a, b, …, f). Three equations generate a trajectory from an initial point.
I plotted the motion trajectories with Lua and pgfplots based on Juan Montijano, Mario Pérez, Luis Rández, and Juan Luis Varona, “Numerical methods with LuaLaTeX”, TUGboat 35:1, 2014, smiliar like Henri Menke applied it to the Lorentz Attractor.
Today, I saw this beautiful spherical-shaped Aizawa (Langford) attractor based on differential equations visualized by @jcponcemath, so I plotted it in LaTeX using Lua for the calculations with the Euler method and TikZ/pgfplots for drawing in the 3D coordinate system. https://t.co/YbfJRv5UsX pic.twitter.com/bsgY9DxHGZ
— LaTeX.org (@TeXgallery) February 5, 2025
% !TEX lualatex \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots,luacode} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.18} \usepgfplotslibrary{colormaps} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} \begin{luacode*} -- Differential equation function f(x,y,z) local a = 0.95 local b = 0.7 local c = 0.6 local d = 3.5 local e = 0.25 local f = 0.1 return {(z-b)*x-d*y, d*x+(z-b)*y, c+a*z-z^3/3-(x^2+y^2)*(1+e*z)+f*z*x^3} end -- Write PGFplots data as coordinates function print_Attractor(h,npoints,option) -- The initial point (x0,y0,z0) local x0 = 0.0 local y0 = 1.0 local z0 = 0.0 -- Add random number between -0.25 and 0.25 local x = x0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local y = y0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local z = z0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 tex.sprint("\\addplot3[".. option .."] coordinates{") -- dismiss first 100 points to go into the attractor for i=1, 100 do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] end for i=1, npoints do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] tex.sprint("("..x..","..y..","..z..")") end tex.sprint("}") end \end{luacode*} \newcommand\addAttractorPlot[3][]{% \directlua{print_Attractor(#2,#3,[[#1]])}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[hide axis, axis equal, zmin = 0, zmax = 1, show background rectangle, /tikz/background rectangle/.style = { left color = black, right color = black!20, shading angle = 135}] \foreach \i in {1,...,10}% step h=0.01, 3000 points: \addAttractorPlot[color of colormap=100*\i] {0.01}{3000}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Also @74WTungsteno is regularly posting visual math content. I noticed the Rössler attractor, a system of three non-linear ordinary differential equations with chaotic dynamics and fractal properties, originally studied by Otto Rössler.
I plotted it with Lua and pgfplots in the very same way.
The strange Rössler attractor plotted with Lua and TikZ in LaTeX: pic.twitter.com/eZTcMywrFk
— LaTeX.org (@TeXgallery) March 1, 2025
% !TEX lualatex \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots,luacode} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.18} \usepgfplotslibrary{colormaps} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} \begin{luacode*} -- Differential equation function f(x,y,z) local a = 0.2 local b = 0.2 local c = 5.7 return {-y-z, x+a*y, b+z*(x-c)} end -- Write PGFplots data as coordinates function print_Attractor(h,npoints,option) -- The initial point (x0,y0,z0) local x0 = 0.0 local y0 = 1.0 local z0 = 0.0 -- Add random number between -0.25 and 0.25 local x = x0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local y = y0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local z = z0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 tex.sprint("\\addplot3[".. option .."] coordinates{") -- dismiss first 100 points to go into the attractor for i=1, 100 do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] end for i=1, npoints do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] tex.sprint("("..x..","..y..","..z..")") end tex.sprint("}") end \end{luacode*} \newcommand\addAttractorPlot[3][]{% \directlua{print_Attractor(#2,#3,[[#1]])}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[hide axis, axis equal, zmin = 0, zmax = 18, show background rectangle, /tikz/background rectangle/.style = { left color = black, right color = black!20, shading angle = 135}] \foreach \i in {1,...,10}% step h=0.01, 3000 points: \addAttractorPlot[color of colormap=100*\i] {0.01}{3000}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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