Original drawing by Daniel Littmann on X/Twitter, here drawn in TikZ.

I used the hobby library for smooth open or closed paths, “to” paths with in and out angles for further smooth paths with a certain looseness, all nodes set as math nodes. The rest is pretty much standard. The coordinates are manually chosen to match Daniel’s picture.

\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,every node/.style = {
    execute at begin node = $,
    execute at end   node = $}]
  \draw (-2.5,2.5) to[closed, curve through =
    { (2,2.5) (5,4.5) (4.5,-1) (-5,1) } ] (-2.5,2.5); 
  \draw (-3.8,-1.7) to[curve through = {(-3,0.7)}]   (-1,1.7);
  \draw (-3,     2) to[curve through = {  (0,0) }]    (2.5,1);
  \draw ( 1,   1.3) to[curve through = { (4,0.2)}] (5.75,1.5);
  \coordinate (c1) at (-3.15,0.5);
  \coordinate (c2) at    (-1,0.2);
  \coordinate (c3) at  (3.3,0.13);
  \draw[->] (c1) circle (1pt) edge[-stealth] ++(125:0.3);
  \draw[->] (c2) circle (1pt) edge[-stealth] ++(60:0.3);
  \draw[->] (c3) circle (1pt) edge[-stealth] ++(110:0.3);
  \draw (-2.82,0.8) to[out=-20, in=-35, looseness=2] (c1)
    to[out=135, in=160, looseness=3] (-3,0.85);
  \draw (-0.7,0)    to[out=200, in=270, looseness=2] (c2)
    to[out=70, in=80, looseness=2.5] (-0.6,0.2);
  \draw (3.7,0.05)  to[out=270, in=280, looseness=2] (c3)
    to[out=100, in=110, looseness=2.5] (3.7,0.25);
  \coordinate (p1) at     (-2,-1);
  \coordinate (p2) at (-0.8,-0.7);
  \coordinate (p3) at  (2.5,-1.2);
  \coordinate (x)  at.     (0,-1);
  \draw (p1) node[above]       {p_1};
  \draw (p2) node[above right] {p_2};
  \draw (p3) node[above left]  {p_3};
  \draw (x)  circle (1pt) node[above right] {x};
  \draw[dotted] (c3) to[curve through = {(p3) (1.5,-1.2) (0.3,-1.7) (x) (p2)}] (c2);
  \draw[dotted] (x)  to[curve through = {(p1) (-2.5,-0.5)}] (c1);
  \node at (-4.2,-0.3) {D_1};
  \node at (0.9,0.4)   {D_2};
  \node at (5.25,1.4)  {D_3};
  \node[above left=4mm  and -3mm] at (c1) {\log \mathbb{Q}_\ell(1)};
  \node[above right=3mm and -3mm] at (c2) {\log \mathbb{Q}_\ell(1)};
  \node[above left=3mm  and -7mm] at (c3) {\log \mathbb{Q}_\ell(1)};
  \node at (5,3) {X};

See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.