The vertices that tkz-berge draws are regular named TikZ nodes, and so they can be used if one wants unusual edges.

Update: I added four more lines, to show that one can also use the node names provided by tkz-berge, to apply extra labels.

Options for vertices

  \tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {line width=2pt}}
  \draw[line width=3pt] (a0) .. controls (-1,1) and (1,1) .. (a0);
  \draw[thick,color=blue] (a1) .. controls (0,0) and (2,2) .. (a1);
  \draw (a2) .. controls (0,2) and (8,2) .. (a2);
  \shadedraw[top color=brown,opacity=0.8] (a3) circle (0.7cm);
  \draw[thick,decorate,decoration=snake] (a4) -- (a5);
  \draw (a2) node[below]{\textsf{a label}};
  \draw (a3) node[above right=5pt]{$v_{0}$};
  \node (mytext) at (9,1.5) [shape=rectangle,align=center,draw] {a good\\ vertex};
  \draw[->,line width=1pt] (mytext)  -- (a4);

See also: Original Source by Rafael

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.