Hier ein erster Entwurf, wie man mit LaTeX Drum Patters setzen kann.



    % Define the pattern as a comma-separated list
    \node[draw, rectangle,minimum width = \cellsizex, align=left,minimum height=\cellsizey] (a) at (\cellsizex/2,\cellsizey/2){\tiny 1}; 
    % Loop through each character in the pattern
    \foreach \cell [count=\index from 1] in \pattern {
        % If 'x' fill the cell, otherwise leave it empty
        \if\cell x
            \fill[gray,draw=black] ({\index*\cellsizex}, 0) rectangle ++(\cellsizex, \cellsizey);
            \draw ({\index*\cellsizex}, 0) rectangle ++(\cellsizex, \cellsizey);



Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined.

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See also: Original Source by Uwe Ziegenhagen

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.