A Lorenz system by Henri Menke:
% !TEX lualatex \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{luacode,pgfplots} \begin{luacode*} -- Differential equation of Lorenz attractor function f(x,y,z) local sigma = 3 local rho = 26.5 local beta = 1 return {sigma*(y-x),-x*z + rho*x - y,x*y - beta*z} end -- Code to write PGFplots data as coordinates function print_LorAttrWithEulerMethod(h,npoints,option) -- The initial point (x0,y0,z0) local x0 = 0.0 local y0 = 1.0 local z0 = 0.0 -- add random number between -0.25 and 0.25 local x = x0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local y = y0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 local z = z0 + (math.random()-0.5)/2 if option ~= [[]] then tex.sprint("\\addplot3[" .. option .. "] coordinates{") else tex.sprint("\\addplot3 coordinates{") end -- dismiss the first 100 points -- to go into the attractor for i=1, 100 do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] end for i=1, npoints do m = f(x,y,z) x = x + h * m[1] y = y + h * m[2] z = z + h * m[3] tex.sprint("("..x..","..y..","..z..")") end tex.sprint("}") end \end{luacode*} \newcommand\addLUADEDplot[3][]{% \directlua{print_LorAttrWithEulerMethod(#2,#3,[[#1]])}% } \pgfplotsset{width=.9\hsize} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} % SYNTAX: Solution of the Lorenz system % with step h=0.02 sampled at 1000 points. \addLUADEDplot[color=red,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \addLUADEDplot[color=green,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \addLUADEDplot[color=blue,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \addLUADEDplot[color=cyan,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \addLUADEDplot[color=magenta,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \addLUADEDplot[color=yellow,smooth]{0.02}{1000}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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