Day 2 of the SHA hacker camp. Coffee, breakfast, Internet. For the latter, I pulled a long Ethernet cable extension reel to a “datenklo”. To be safe, somehow, I installed a Cisco ASA firewall for wired access, via a dedicated public IP.
People with LaTeX T-Shirt are everywhere. Well, in our DANTE LaTeX part of the camp at the Lamarr field. We built a lot of tents around the large LaTeX workshop tent. We uses space blankets for protecting the tent from sun heat and from light, to be able to see beamer presentations.
It all looks safe (fire extinguishers every few meters, for example) and clean, there’s a food court with a variety of things, huge speaker tents, a ball pit, a stuffed animal pit full of cuddle toys, an inflatable bounce house, a farm of inflatable animals, so pretty much all what’s needed.
Doris is prepared for an introduction workshop, I’m prepared for a few possible workshops about TeX hacking and graphics programming. Fo many graphics seen on,, and on, I can explain how we can create them.
Some stories may come later, just want to let blog readers know – we are TeXing anyway.
See also: Original Source by Stefan Kottwitz
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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