Ein Lesetipp für die kommenden Wochen dürfte dieses Werk sein:

  • Hegland, Frode, Hrsg. 2020. The Future of Text. 1. Auflage. Future Text Publishing. doi:10.48197/fot2020a, (zugegriffen: 5. Dezember 2020).

Worum geht es?

Welcome to Future Text Publishing, producers of ‘The Future of Text’, the largest survey of the future(s) of text ever undertaken.

The book is a collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as how we understand our current textual infrastructures, how we view the history of writing, and much more. The aim is to make it inspire a powerfully rich future of text in a multitude of ways today and to still have value in a thousand years and beyond. It should serve as a record for how we saw the medium of text and how it relates to our world, our problems and each other in the early twenty first century.

Und das ganze ist open end angelegt. Die zweite Auflage wird ab Februar 2021 vorbereitet.

See also: Original Source by Jürgen Fenn

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.