\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[inline]{asymptote} \begin{document} \begin{asy} settings.render = 0; settings.prc = false; import graph3; real unit = 0.1cm; unitsize(unit); defaultpen(fontsize(10pt)); triple eyeDirection = dir((-2,-2,0.7)); currentprojection = orthographic(eyeDirection); triple translateDirection = dir(cross(Z, eyeDirection)); void drawBehind(path3 thepath, pen pen=currentpen, real backOpacity = 1.0, real backWidth=2.0) { real newsize = backWidth; real distBehind = (newsize/2 + linewidth(pen)/2 + 10) * (1bp/unit); draw(shift(-distBehind*dir(eyeDirection))*thepath, white+linewidth(newsize)+opacity(backOpacity)); } real r(real t) { return t; } real z(real t) { return t; } real theta(real t) { return t; } triple F(real t) { real r = r(t); real z = z(t); real theta = theta(t); return (r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta), z); } path3 p = graph(F, 0, 7*2pi, operator ..); drawBehind(p); draw(p); drawBehind((0,0,0) -- (0,0,70)); draw((0,0,0) -- (0,0,70), arrow=Arrow3()); label("$Z$", position=(0,0,70), align=W); triple point = F((6 + 3/4)*2pi); dot(point, green); label("$P$", position=point, align=NW); draw(O -- -7*2pi*X, arrow=Arrow3()); draw(O -- -7*2pi*Y, dashed); label(position=-7pi*Y, "$\rho$", align=SW); path3 arc = arc(O, -10X, -10Y); draw(arc, arrow=ArcArrow3(), gray); label(position=relpoint(arc,0.5), "$\phi$", align=0.5S); drawBehind((point.x,point.y,0) -- point); draw((point.x,point.y,0) -- point, dashed); label(position=scale(1,1,0.5)*point, "$z$", align=E); shipout(scale(4)*currentpicture.fit()); \end{asy} \end{document}
Source: TeX.SE Author: Charles Staats (License)
See also: Original Source
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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