\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{asymptote} \begin{document} \begin{asy}[inline=true] import math; import graph; struct construct{ pair[] loc; string[] name; pair[] namePos; guide[] straight; pen[] straightPen; guide[] circ; pen[] circPen; pen thinpen; bool pqr(pair p, pair q, pair r){ return (p.x*(q.y-r.y)+(r.y-p.y)*q.x+r.x*(p.y-q.y))>0; }; pair lastpoint(){ assert(loc.length>0); return loc[loc.length-1]; } pair prevpoint(){ assert(loc.length>1); return loc[loc.length-2]; } pair newpoint(pair ploc, string pname="", pair npos=(0,0)){ loc.push(ploc); name.push(pname); namePos.push(npos); return loc[loc.length-1]; } guide newstraight(pair A, pair B, pen p=nullpen){ straight.push(A--B); straightPen.push(p); return straight[straight.length-1]; } guide newcirc(pair A,pair B, pen p=nullpen){ circ.push(Circle(A,arclength(A--B))); circPen.push(p); return circ[circ.length-1]; } pair halve(pair A, pair B, string pname="", pair npos=(0,0)){ guide p,q; pair[] xpt; p=newcirc(A,B,thinpen); q=newcirc(B,A,thinpen); xpt=intersectionpoints(p,q); newpoint(xpt[0]); newpoint(xpt[1]); newstraight(lastpoint(),prevpoint(),thinpen); newpoint(extension(A,B,xpt[0],xpt[1]),pname,npos); return lastpoint(); } pair leftPoint(pair A1, pair B1, pair A2, pair B2, string pname="", pair npos=(0,0)){ guide p,q; pair[] xpts; p=newcirc(A1,B1,thinpen); q=newcirc(A2,B2,thinpen); xpts=intersectionpoints(p,q); newpoint((pqr(A1,A2,xpts[0]))?xpts[0]:xpts[1],pname,npos); return lastpoint(); } pair rightPoint(pair A1, pair B1, pair A2, pair B2, string pname="", pair npos=(0,0)){ guide p,q; pair[] xpts; p=newcirc(A1,B1,thinpen); q=newcirc(A2,B2,thinpen); xpts=intersectionpoints(p,q); newpoint((pqr(A1,A2,xpts[0]))?xpts[1]:xpts[0],pname,npos); return lastpoint(); } pair at_dist(pair A, pair B, pair C, string pname="", pair npos=(0,0)){ newcirc(A,C,thinpen); newpoint(A+dir(B-A)*arclength(A--C),pname,npos); return lastpoint(); } void showStraights(){ for(int i=0;i<straight.length;++i){ draw(straight[i],straightPen[i]); } } void showCircs(){ for(int i=0;i<circ.length;++i){ draw(circ[i],circPen[i]); } } void showDots(){ for(int i=0;i<loc.length;++i){ dot(loc[i],UnFill); } } void showLabels(){ for(int i=0;i<loc.length;++i){ label("$"+name[i]+"$",loc[i],namePos[i]); } } void operator init(pen thinpen=gray+0.3bp){ this.loc=new pair[]; this.name=new string[]; this.namePos=new pair[]; this.thinpen=thinpen; } } //================================= size(250); import graph; import math; import fontsize; defaultpen(fontsize(9pt)); real w=1.2bp; pen ABpen=blue+w; pen BCpen=red+w; pen ACpen=deepgreen+w; pen ADpen=gray(0.4)+w; pen CDpen=orange+w; pen thinpen=gray+0.4bp; pen arcpen=black+w; construct ABCD=construct(); // Construct two arbitrary points A and B pair A=ABCD.newpoint((1,5),"A",NE); pair B=ABCD.newpoint((0,0),"B",S); // Construct measuring marks on AB, assuming |AB|=8 pair H4=ABCD.halve(A, B,"_4",SE); pair H2=ABCD.halve(B,H4,"_2",SE); pair H1=ABCD.halve(B,H2,"_1",SE); pair H6=ABCD.halve(A,H4,"_6",SE); pair H7=ABCD.halve(H6,A,"_7",SE); // Construct point C: |AH1|=7, |BH6|=6 pair C=ABCD.leftPoint(A,H1,B,H6,"C",SE); // Construct A' as a point of untersection of Circle(B,|BH7|) and Circle(A,|AH2|) pair Ap=ABCD.leftPoint(B,H7,A,H2,"A^\prime",N); // Construct C' as a point of untersection of the line through AA' and a Circle(A,|AC|) pair Cp=ABCD.at_dist(A,Ap,C,"C^\prime",S); // Construct Q6 as a point of untersection of the line through AC' and a Circle(A,|AH7|) pair Q6=ABCD.at_dist(A,Cp,H7,"_6",NW); // Construct B' as a point of untersection of Circle(C',|C'Q6|) and Circle(A,|AB|) pair Bp=ABCD.leftPoint(Cp,Q6,A,B,"B^\prime",NE); // Construct D as a point of untersection of the line through B',A and the line through B,C pair D=ABCD.newpoint(extension(Bp,A,B,C),"D",S); ABCD.showStraights(); ABCD.showCircs(); // draw helper lines draw(Ap--B,thinpen); drawline(A,Ap,thinpen); drawline(B,C,thinpen); // mark angles draw(arc(A,arcpoint(A--B,arclength(B--H1)),C),arcpen); draw(arc(A,arcpoint(A--Bp,arclength(B--H1)),Cp),arcpen); draw(arc(D,arcpoint(D--A,arclength(B--H1)),C),arcpen); // draw sides draw(A--B,ABpen); draw(A--Bp,ABpen); draw(A--C,ACpen); draw(A--Cp,ACpen); draw(B--C,BCpen); draw(Bp--Cp,BCpen); draw(A--D,ADpen); draw(C--D,CDpen); ABCD.showDots(); ABCD.showLabels(); \end{asy} \end{document}
Source: TeX.SE
See also: Original Source
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