This solution illustrates (a+b)^3 = a^3 + 3a^2b + 3ab^2 + b^3.
\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[inline]{asymptote} \begin{document} \begin{asy}[width=\the\linewidth,inline=true] settings.outformat="pdf"; settings.render=0; settings.prc=false; unitsize(1cm); import three; currentprojection=orthographic(3,2,1,center=true,zoom=.8); //currentprojection=orthographic(0,10,0,zoom=.8); light White=light(new pen[] {rgb(0.38,0.38,0.45),rgb(0.6,0.6,0.67), rgb(0.5,0.5,0.57)},specularfactor=3, new triple[] {(5,5,5),(0,5,5),(-0.5,0,2)}); currentlight=White; real a=3.2, b=1.5; path3[] p=unitbox; surface q=unitcube; void mybox(triple A, triple B, pen fillpen=nullpen, pen drawpen=nullpen,triple shifting=O){ real s=(abs(B-A))/sqrt(3); draw(shift(shifting)*shift(A)*scale3(s)*q,fillpen+opacity(1)); draw(shift(shifting)*box(A,B),drawpen); } triple A=(-a,-a,-a); // lower vertex triple B=(b,b,b); // upper vertex pen pena=lightyellow; // for a^3 pen penb=pink; // for b^3 pen pena2b=brown; // for 3 a^2 b pen penab2=darkcyan; // for 3 a b^2 real t=.6; // for shifting boxes mybox(A,O,pena,pena); mybox(O,B,penb,penb,(t,t,t)); // 3 a^2 b draw(shift(t,-t,-t)*box(O,(b,-a,-a)),pena2b); draw(shift(-t,-t,t)*box(O,(-a,-a,b)),pena2b); draw(shift(-t,t,-t)*box(O,(-a,b,-a)),pena2b); // 3 a b^2 draw(shift(t,t,-t)*box(O,(b,b,-a)),penab2); draw(shift(-t,t,t)*box(O,(-a,b,b)),penab2); draw(shift(t,-t,t)*box(O,(b,-a,b)),penab2); \end{asy} \end{document}
Source: TeX.SE
Author: Black Mild (License)
See also: Original Source
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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