Some custom piecharts illustrating the branching fraction of the decay of several Standard Model particles like the tau lepton, Z boson, W boson, top, ttbar, Higgs boson, …
Tau lepton decay
Ditau decay
W boson (or top) decay
Same for top quark decay assuming BR(t → Wb) ≈ 100%:Specifying quark flavors:
Top quark pair (ttbar) decay
Z boson decay
Higgs boson decay
Energy composition of the Universe
Energy composition of the Universe according to Planck's high-precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background:
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (May 2022) % % Inspiration: % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % for \text %\usepackage{mathabx} % for \widebar \usepackage{bm} % for bold Greek letters via \bm \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \contourlength{0.25pt} % STYLES \usetikzlibrary{shapes} % for ellipse node \usetikzlibrary{shadows.blur} \colorlet{myred}{red!85!black!65} \colorlet{mycyan}{blue!40!cyan!85!black!55} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!70!cyan!85!black!55} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{myblue!90!black!90} \colorlet{mydarkerblue}{myblue!80!black!90} \colorlet{mydarkestblue}{myblue!70!black!90} \colorlet{mylightblue}{blue!50!cyan!80!black!45} \colorlet{mypink}{magenta!95!red!100!black!72} \colorlet{mypurple}{blue!50!red!90!black!70} \colorlet{mydarkpurple}{blue!50!red!70!black!70} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!60!black!75} \colorlet{mylightgreen}{green!80!red!90!black!50} \colorlet{myorange}{orange!95!black!70} \colorlet{mybrown}{brown!80!orange!95!black!80} \colorlet{myyellow}{yellow!80!orange!95!black!80} \colorlet{mylightyellow}{yellow!80!orange!95!black!45} \def\R{1} % default pie radius \tikzstyle{pin}=[very thin,line cap=round] \tikzset{ slice/.style={fill=#1,draw=#1!80!black,line join=round,line width=0.4, blur shadow={shadow blur steps=20,shadow xshift=0.5, shadow yshift=-1,shadow opacity=40}}, slice/.default=myblue, pics/piechart/.style n args={2}{ % SIMPLE PIECHART 1 code={ \foreach \frac/\name/\col [ count=\i, remember=\angb as \anga (initially #1), % start angle evaluate={\angm=\anga-\frac*1.8; % middle angle \angb=\anga-\frac*3.6; % final angle \exp=\R*max(0.02,0.2*(1-\frac/100)^8); % explode (radial shift) \r=\exp+\R*max(0.5,(0.8-\frac/100));} % label radial positon ] in {#2}{ % loop over slices \coordinate (P\i) at (\angm:\exp+\R); \draw[slice=\col] % slice / circle sector (\angm:\exp) --++ (\anga:\R) arc(\anga:\angb:\R) -- cycle; \node[white,scale=0.9] at (\angm:\r) {\contour{\col!75!black}{\bm{$\frac\mathbf{\%}$}}}; \node[\col!70!black,anchor=180+\angm,inner sep=4] at (P\i) {\bf\bm{$\name$}}; } } }, pics/piechart2/.style n args={2}{ % SIMPLE PIECHART 2 code={ \foreach \frac/\name/\col [ remember=\angb as \anga (initially #1), % start angle evaluate={\angm=\anga+\frac*1.8; % middle angle \angb=\anga+\frac*3.6; % final angle \exp=\R*max(0.02,0.14*(1-\frac/100)^3); % explode (radial shift) \r=\exp+\R*max(0.5,(1-\frac/100)^2);} % label radial positon ] in {#2}{ % loop over slices \message{^^J frac=\frac: anga=\anga -> angb=\angb} \draw[slice=\col] % slice / circle sector (\angm:\exp) --++ (\anga:\R) arc(\anga:\angb:\R) -- cycle; \ifdim \frac pt > 10pt % label inside slice \node[white,align=center] at (\angm:\r) {\boldlabel{$\name$}{\frac}}; \else % label outside slice \node[\col!5!black,align=center,anchor=180+\angm,inner sep=3] at (\angm:\exp+\R) {\boldlabel{$\name$}{\frac}}; \fi } } }, } % MACROS %\renewcommand\bar{\overline} \newcommand\WW{\mathrm{WW}} %W^+W^- \newcommand\ZZ{\mathrm{ZZ}} \newcommand\TT{\tau\tau} \newcommand\qbar{\bar{q}} \newcommand\ttbar{\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}} \newcommand\bbbar{\mathrm{b}\bar{\mathrm{b}}} \newcommand\ccbar{\mathrm{c}\bar{\mathrm{c}}} \newcommand\udbar{\mathrm{u}\bar{\mathrm{d}}} \newcommand\csbar{\mathrm{c}\bar{\mathrm{s}}} \newcommand\e{\mathrm{e}} \newcommand\hp{\mathrm{h}^\pm} \newcommand\hM{\mathrm{h}^\mp} \newcommand\pz{\pi^0} \newcommand\tauh{\tau_\mathrm{h}} \newcommand\jets{\mathrm{jets}} \newcommand\boldlabel[2]{\bf\bm{#1}\\[-1]\small\bm{$#2\mathbf{\%}$}} \newcommand\boldlabeltiny[2]{\bf\bm{$#1$}\\[-2.5]\footnotesize\bm{$#2\mathbf{\%}$}} \begin{document} % TAU BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART (SIMPLE) % % (Table 1) \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JDitau pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.5] {piechart={-126}{ 64.8/\text{hadrons}\qquad/myblue, 17.4/\!\!\mu^\pm/myred, 17.8/\e^\pm /mygreen% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.8) {\bf\bm{$\tau$} lepton decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % TAU BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART (HADRONIC DECAY MODES) % % (Table 1) \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JTau pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.6] {piechart={-126}{ 11.5/\hp /myblue, 25.9/\hp\pz /myblue!90!black, 9.5/\hp\pz\pz /myblue!80!black, 9.8/\qquad\hp\hM\hp /mycyan, 4.8/\quad\hp\hM\hp\pz/mycyan!95!black, 3.3/\text{other} /mylightblue, 17.4/\!\!\mu^\pm /myred, 17.8/\e^\pm /mygreen% }}; %\node[mycyan!70!black,anchor=-160] at (P4) {\bm{$\hp\hM\hp$}}; %\node[mycyan!65!black,anchor=-160] at (P5) {\bm{$\hp\hM\hp\pz$}}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,2.2) {\bf\bm{$\tau$} lepton decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % DITAU BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1,transform shape] \message{^^JDitau pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.4] {piechart2={-90}{ 23/\e\tauh /mygreen, 23/\mu\tauh /myred, 42/\tauh\tauh/myblue, 3/\;\e\e /mylightgreen, 6/\;\e\mu /myorange, 3/\;\;\mu\mu/mypink% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.5) {\bf\bm{$\TT$} decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % DITAU BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART ALTERNATIVE \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JDitau pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.4] {piechart2={-90}{ 23/\mu\tauh /mypurple, 42/\tauh\tauh/myblue, 23/\e\tauh /mygreen, 3/\;\e\e /myyellow, 6/\;\e\mu /myorange, 3/\;\;\mu\mu/myred% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.5) {\bf \bf\bm{$\TT$} decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % W BOSON / TOP QUARK MAIN BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART % % \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JW boson / top pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.6] {piechart={-60}{ 67.4/q\qbar/mycyan, 11.4/\tau /myblue, 10.6/\mu /myred, 10.7/\e /mygreen% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.6) {\bf Top decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % W BOSON / TOP QUARK MAIN BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART (SPLIT) % % \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JW boson / top pie chart (split quarks)} \draw pic[scale=1.6] {piechart={-60}{ 33.3/\udbar/mycyan, %mylightblue, 34.0/\csbar/mydarkerblue, %mycyan 11.4/\tau /myblue, 10.6/\mu /myred, 10.7/\e /mygreen% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.7) {\bf Top decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % TOP PAIR BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART % % \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.0] \message{^^JWW or ttbar boson pie chart} %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.2) {\bf\bm{$\ttbar\to\bbbar\WW$} decay modes}; % PIE CHART \def\angA{180} % initial angle \foreach \subgroup in { % loop over subgroup { 1/\e\e /mylightgreen, % dileptonic decays 2/\e\mu /myorange, 2/\mu\mu /mypink, 1/\e\tau /mydarkestblue, 2/\mu\tau /mydarkerblue, 1/\tau\tau /mydarkblue},% {15/\e+\jets /mygreen, % semileptonic decays 15/\mu+\jets /myred, 15/\tau+\jets/myblue},% {46/\text{all jets}/mylightblue}% % fully hadronic decays }{% \message{^^JSubgroup at angA=\angA} \def\ftot{0} \foreach \frac/\d/\d in \subgroup{ \pgfmathparse{\ftot+\frac} \xdef\ftot{\pgfmathresult} } % MAKE SLICE FOR SUBGROUP \begin{scope}[shift={(\angA+\ftot*1.8:0.03*\R)}] \foreach \frac/\name/\col [ remember=\angb as \anga (initially \angA), % start angle evaluate={\angm=\anga+\frac*1.8; % middle angle \angb=\anga+\frac*3.6; % final angle \exp=\R*0.2*(1-\frac/100)^15; % explode (radial shift) \r=\exp+\R*max(0.5,(1-\frac/100)^2.5);} % label radial positon ] in \subgroup{ % loop over subgroup \message{^^J Slice at anga=\anga -> angb=\angb} \draw[slice=\col,shadow opacity=15] % slice / circle sector (\angm:\exp) --++ (\anga:\R) arc(\anga:\angb:\R) -- cycle; \ifdim \frac pt > 10pt % fraction inside slice \node[white] at (\angm:\r) {\bm{$\frac\mathbf{\%}$}}; \node[\col!90!black,anchor=180+\angm,inner sep=5] at (\angm:\exp+\R) {\bf\bm{$\name$}}; \else % fraction and label outside slice \node[black,align=center,anchor=0,rotate=180+\angm,inner sep=3,scale=0.8] at (\angm:\exp+\R) {\bf\bm{$\name$}, \small\bm{$\frac\mathbf{\%}$}}; \fi \xdef\angA{\angb} % globally redefine \angA to last angle \angb } \end{scope} } \end{tikzpicture} % Z BOSON BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART % % \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JZ boson pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.6] {piechart={-18}{ 69.9/q\qbar /mycyan, 20.0/\qquad\text{invisible}/mylightyellow, %myorange 3.4/\tau^+\tau^-/myblue, 3.4/\mu^+\mu^- /myred, 3.4/\e^+\e^- /mygreen% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.7) {\bf Z boson decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % Z BOSON BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART (SPLIT) % % \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JZ boson pie chart} \draw pic[scale=1.6] {piechart={-18}{ 15.6/\bbbar/mydarkestblue, %mylightgreen 11.6/\ccbar/mydarkerblue, %myorange, 15.6/\mathrm{s\bar{s}}/mydarkblue, 11.6/\mathrm{u\bar{u}}/mycyan, 15.6/\mathrm{d\bar{d}}/mylightblue, 20.0/\qquad\text{invisible}/mylightyellow, %myorange %6.7/\qquad\nu_\tau\nu_\tau/mylightyellow, %6.7/\qquad\nu_\mu\nu_\mu/mylightyellow, %6.7/\qquad\nu_\e\nu_\e/mylightyellow, 3.4/\tau^+\tau^-/myblue, 3.4/\mu^+\mu^- /myred, 3.4/\e^+\e^- /mygreen% }}; %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.9) {\bf Z boson decay modes}; \end{tikzpicture} % HIGGS BRANCHING FRACTION - PIE CHART (MH = 125.1) % % % other = 0.00202 = 1-(0.5807+0.2154+0.08179+0.06256+0.02883+0.02643+0.00227) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.7] \message{^^JHigss pie chart} \foreach \frac/\name/\col [ count=\i, remember=\angb as \anga (initially -10), % start angle evaluate={\angm=\anga-\frac*1.8; % middle angle \angb=\anga-\frac*3.6; % final angle \exp=\R*max(0.02,0.4*(1-\frac/100)^15); % explode (radial shift) \r=\exp+\R*max(0.5,(0.83-\frac/100));} % label radial positon ] in { % loop over slices 0.2/\gamma\gamma/myyellow, % 0.00227 0.2/other /mydarkerblue, % 0.00202 %0.02/\mu\mu /myblue!80!black, % 0.000217 %0.02/Z\gamma /myblue!80!black% % 0.001541 58.1/\bbbar /mygreen, % 0.5807 21.5/\WW /myred, % 0.2154 8.2/gg /mycyan, % 0.08179 6.3/\tau\tau /myblue, % 0.06256 2.9/\ccbar /myorange, % 0.02883 2.6/\ZZ /mypurple% % 0.02643 }{ \message{^^J frac=\frac: anga=\anga -> angb=\angb} \coordinate (P\i) at (\angm:\exp+\R); \draw[slice=\col,line width={\frac>2?0.6:0.2},shadow opacity=20] % slice / circle sector (\angm:\exp) --++ (\anga:\R) arc(\anga:\angb:\R) -- cycle; \ifdim \frac pt > 9pt % label inside slice \node[white,align=center] at (\angm:\r) {\boldlabel{$\name$}{\frac}}; \else \ifdim \frac pt > 2pt % label inside slice, frac inside \node[white,scale={\frac>4?0.9:0.8}] at (\angm:\r) {\contour{\col!70!black!90}{\bm{$\frac\mathbf{\%}$}}}; \node[\col!80!black,anchor=190+\angm,inner sep=4] at (P\i) {\bf\bm{$\name$}}; %\else \ifdim \frac pt > 2pt % label & frac outside slice % \node[\col!80!black,align=center,anchor=180+\angm,inner sep=3] % at (P\i) {\bm{$\name$} \small$\mathbf{\frac\%}$}; %{\boldlabel{$\name$}{\frac}}; %\else % pinned label % \node[\col!80!black,align=center,pin={\angm-20:$\name$},inner sep=3] % at (\angm:\exp+\R) {}; \fi \fi %\fi } % MANUALLY PLACED LABELS \draw[pin,myyellow!85!black] (P1)++(-30:0.01) --++ (-28:0.2) node[anchor=178,inner sep=2] {\bm{$\gamma\gamma$} \footnotesize$\mathbf{0.2\%}$}; \draw[pin,mydarkerblue!80!black] (P2)++(-40:0.01) --++ (-80:0.2) node[anchor=100,align=center,inner sep=2] {\bf other\\[-2.5]\footnotesize$\mathbf{0.2\%}$}; %{\bm{$\mu\mu$}, \bf{$\mathrm{Z}\gamma$}, ...\\[-2.5]\footnotesize$\mathbf{0.2\%}$}; %% TITLE %\node[above,scale=1.2] at (0,1.1) {\bf Higgs decay channels}; \end{tikzpicture} % ENERGY DENSITY (Planck) % % \begin{tikzpicture} %[scale=1.0,transform shape=false] \message{^^JEnergy density} \draw pic[scale=1.5] {piechart={-2}{ 68.3//mydarkpurple, 26.8//mydarkestblue, 4.9//mygreen% }}; \node[anchor=5,inner sep=3,align=left,mydarkpurple!70!black] at (P1) {\bf Dark\\[-2]\bf energy}; \node[anchor=-170,inner sep=4,mydarkestblue!70!black] at (P2) {\bf Dark matter}; \node[anchor=185,inner sep=3,align=center,mygreen!70!black] at (P3) {\bf Ordinary\\[-2]\bf matter}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Click to download: SM_decay_piechart.tex • SM_decay_piechart.pdfOpen in Overleaf: SM_decay_piechart.tex.
See also: Original Source by Izaak Neutelings
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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