Summary of the elementary Standard Model particles. Inspired by Quanta Magazine and Symmetry Magazine.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2023) % Description: % Standard Model (SM) of Particles Physics table (round) % Inspired by: % % % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % for \text \usepackage{xfrac} % for \myfrac \usepackage{bm} % for \bm \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head % FONT \usepackage{sansmath} % for \sansmath \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % set sans serif font globally \sansmath % set sans serif font globally % UNSLANT GREEK LETTERS for particle symbols % % \usepackage{scalerel} \newsavebox{\foobox} \newcommand{\slantbox}[2][0]{\mbox{% \sbox{\foobox}{#2}% \hskip\wd\foobox \pdfsave \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}% \llap{\usebox{\foobox}}% \pdfrestore }} \newcommand\unslant[2][-.25]{% %\mkern1.2mu% \ThisStyle{\slantbox[#1]{$\SavedStyle#2$}}% \mkern-2.2mu% } \newcommand\PGm{\unslant\mu} % muon \newcommand\PGt{\unslant\tau} % tau \newcommand\PGn[1]{\unslant\nu_{#1}\mkern-1.5mu} % neutrino \newcommand\PSGn[1]{\widetilde{\unslant\nu}_{\mathrm{#1}}\mkern-1.5mu} % sneutrino \newcommand\mytilde[1]{\widetilde{\mathrm{#1}}} % tilde with math roman % COLORS \colorlet{mylightblue}{blue!60!cyan!80!black!15} \colorlet{mypurple}{blue!50!red!70} \colorlet{gaugecol}{red!90!black!70} % Wiki red \colorlet{leptoncol}{green!80!black!70} % Wiki green \colorlet{quarkcol}{blue!85!cyan!95!black!55} % Wiki purple \colorlet{scalarcol}{yellow!70!orange!98!black} % STYLES \tikzstyle{particle}=[black,thick,align=center] \tikzstyle{lepton}=[particle,fill=leptoncol!#1] %,inline=leptoncol!#1] \tikzstyle{quark}=[particle,fill=quarkcol!#1] %,inline=quarkcol!#1] \tikzstyle{gauge}=[particle,fill=gaugecol!#1] %,inline=gaugecol!#1] \tikzstyle{scalar}=[particle,fill=scalarcol!#1] %,inline=scalarcol!#1] %%%% INTERNAL LINES %%%\newlength{\internalborderwidth} %%%\setlength{\internalborderwidth}{2pt} %%%\tikzset{ %%% inline/.style={ %%% postaction={clip,postaction={draw=#1!white!80!black,solid,line width=\internalborderwidth}, %%% postaction={draw}} %%%}} % MACROS \def\Rhiggs{0.37} % outer radius of Higgs boson layer \def\Rboson{1.1} % outer radius of gauge boson layer \def\Rfermion{2} % outer radius of fermion layer \def\higgs{ \draw[scalar] (O) circle(\Rhiggs); %\node[fill=none] at (O) {H}; \coordinate (H) at (O); } \def\boson[#1]#2{ %\draw[#1] (O) -- (#2:\Rboson) arc(#2:#2+90:\Rboson) -- cycle; \draw[#1] (#2:\Rhiggs) -- (#2:\Rboson) arc(#2:#2+90:\Rboson) -- (#2+90:\Rhiggs) arc(#2+90:#2:\Rhiggs) -- cycle; %\node (B-#2) at (#2+45:{0.47*(\Rhiggs+\Rboson)}) {#3}; \coordinate (B-#2) at (#2+45:{0.47*(\Rhiggs+\Rboson)}); } \def\fermion[#1]#2{ %\draw[#1] (O) -- (#2:\Rfermion) arc(#2:#2+30:\Rfermion) -- cycle; \draw[#1] (#2:\Rboson) -- (#2:\Rfermion) arc(#2:#2+30:\Rfermion) -- (#2+30:\Rboson) arc(#2+30:#2:\Rboson) -- cycle; %\node (F-#2) at (#2+15:{0.5*(\Rboson+\Rfermion)}) {\strut#3}; \coordinate (F-#2) at (#2+15:{0.5*(\Rboson+\Rfermion)}); } \begin{document} % SM PARTICLES, simple \foreach \col in {100,79}{ % change color strength \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9] \message{^^JSM particles} % SETTINGS \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % QUARKS (outer layer on top) \foreach \name [count=\i from 1,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*30)}] in { u,c,t,d,s,b }{ \fermion[quark=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (F-\ang) {\name}; } % LEPTONS (outer layer on bottom) \foreach \name [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180+\i*30)}] in { $\PGt$,$\PGm$,e,$\PGn{\mathrm{e}}$,$\PGn{\PGm}$,$\PGn{\PGt}$ }{ \fermion[lepton=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (F-\ang) {\name}; } % GAUGE BOSONS (middle layer) \foreach \name [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*90)}] in { $\gamma$,g,W,Z }{ \boson[gauge=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (B-\ang) {\name}; } % HIGGS BOSON \higgs \node at (H) {H}; \end{tikzpicture} } % close foreach loop over \col % SM PARTICLES, simple, with names \foreach \col in {100,79}{ % change color strength \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9] \message{^^JSM particles} % SETTINGS \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % QUARKS (outer layer on top) \foreach \psymb/\pname [count=\i from 1,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*30)}] in { u/up, c/charm, t/top, d/down, s/strange, b/bottom }{ \fermion[quark=\col]{\ang} \node[above=-3pt] at (F-\ang) {\psymb}; \node[below=1pt,scale=0.5] at (F-\ang) {\pname}; } % CHARGED LEPTONS (outer layer on bottom) \foreach \psymb/\pname [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180+\i*30)}] in { $\PGt$/tau, $\PGm$/muon, e/electron }{ \fermion[lepton=\col]{\ang} \node[above=-3pt] at (F-\ang) {\psymb}; \node[below=1pt,scale=0.5] at (F-\ang) {\pname}; } % NEUTRINOS (outer layer on bottom) \foreach \psymb/\pname [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(270+\i*30)}] in { $\PGn{\mathrm{e}}$/electron, $\PGn{\PGm}$/muon, $\PGn{\PGt}$/tau }{ \fermion[lepton=\col]{\ang} \node[above=-3.5pt] at (F-\ang) {\psymb}; \node[below=-0.3pt,scale=0.4,align=center] %,xshift={(\i==2)*4pt} at (F-\ang) {\pname\\[-2pt]\ifnum\i=2\hspace{0.8em}\fi neutrino}; } % GAUGE BOSONS (middle layer) \foreach \name [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*90)}] in { $\gamma$,g,W,Z }{ \boson[gauge=\col]{\ang} \node at (B-\ang) {\name}; } % HIGGS BOSON \higgs \node at (H) {H}; \end{tikzpicture} } % close foreach loop over \col % SUSY PARTICLES, simple \foreach \col in {100,79}{ % change color strength \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9] \message{^^JSM particles} % SETTINGS \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % QUARKS (outer layer on top) \foreach \name [count=\i from 1,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*30)}] in { u,c,t,d,s,b }{ \fermion[quark=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (F-\ang) {$\mytilde{\name}$}; } % LEPTONS (outer layer on bottom) \foreach \name [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180+\i*30)}] in { \widetilde{\PGt},\widetilde{\PGm},\mytilde{e},\PSGn{\mathrm{e}},\PSGn{\PGm},\PSGn{\PGt} }{ \fermion[lepton=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (F-\ang) {$\name$}; } % GAUGE BOSONS (middle layer) \foreach \name [count=\i from 0,evaluate={\ang=int(180-\i*90)}] in { \gamma,g,W,Z }{ \boson[gauge=\col]{\ang} %{\name} \node at (B-\ang) {$\mytilde{\name}$}; } % HIGGS BOSON \higgs \node at (H) {$\mytilde{H}$}; \end{tikzpicture} } % close foreach loop over \col \end{document}
Click to download: SM_particles_round.tex • SM_particles_round.pdfOpen in Overleaf: SM_particles_round.tex.
See also: Original Source by Izaak Neutelings
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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