Vertex reconstruction of two photon decay in the CMS detector.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (August 2023) % Description: Vertex reconstruction of two photon decay % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % for snake, coil, zigzag \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels) \tikzset{>=latex} % set default arrow head as latex \contourlength{1.1pt} % COLORS \colorlet{myblue}{blue!80!black} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!80!black} \colorlet{calocol}{blue!60!green!90!black!70} \colorlet{photoncol}{yellow!60!orange!95!black} % STYLES \tikzstyle{circle}=[mygreen,dashed] \tikzstyle{calo}=[draw=calocol!40!black,fill=calocol, line width=0.6,rounded corners=0.4pt] % calorimeter deposit \tikzstyle{MET}=[->,red,line width=1.2,dashed] \tikzstyle{photon}=[thick,line cap=round,photoncol,decorate,decoration={ snake,amplitude=.4mm,segment length=2.5mm,post length=1mm}] % MACROS \newcommand*{\myvec}[1]{\vec{\mkern0mu#1}} % correct misalignment in \vec \newcommand{\ptmiss}{\myvec{p}_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{\,miss}} \def\compute{ % compute all vertex parameters \pgfmathsetmacro\l{sqrt(\R^2-(\L)^2*sin(\atheta/2)^2)-\L*cos(\atheta/2)} % length photon (diphoton vertex to ECAL deposit) \pgfmathsetmacro\p{\l*cos(\atheta/2)} % projection photon on bisector \pgfmathsetmacro\r{\l/(2*cos(\atheta/2))} % radius of diphoton circle \pgfmathsetmacro\aphip{acos((\L+\p)/\R)} % azimuthal angle between photon and bisector from vertex \message{^^JDiphoton opening angle theta = \atheta} \message{^^JECAL inner radius R = \R} \message{^^JParticle path length L = \L} \message{^^JPhoton path length l = \l} \message{^^JProj. photon length p = \p} \message{^^JPhi photon-bisector aphi = \aphip} } \begin{document} % VERTEX RECONSTRUCTION \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=0] \def\R{4.2} % tracker outer radius \def\L{1.2} % distance between PV and diphoton vertex \def\aphi{58} % direction diphoton system (pho) \def\atheta{49} % opening angle between photons (theta) \def\aECAL{4} % angular granularity of calo deposits, CMS: 0.0175*180/pi = 1 \compute % compute all vertex parameters % COORDINATES \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % detector center \coordinate (V) at (\aphi:\L); % diphoton vertex \coordinate (P) at (\aphi:\R); % projection of diphoton vertex \coordinate (C1) at (\aphi:\L+\r); % circle center inside \coordinate (C2) at (\aphi:{\L+2*\p-\r}); % circle center outside \coordinate (P1) at ($(V)+(\aphi+\atheta/2:\l)$); % photon 1 at ECAL \coordinate (P2) at ($(V)+(\aphi-\atheta/2:\l)$); % photon 2 at ECAL % CALORIMETER INNER SURFACE \draw (\aphi-60:\R) arc (\aphi-60:\aphi+55:\R); %\draw circle (\R); \node[anchor=-150,inner sep=4pt,align=center] at (\aphi-50:\R) {ECAL\\surface}; % CALORIMETER DEPOSITS \def\drawdepo#1#2{ \draw[calo] (#1+\aECAL/2:\R+#2) arc(#1+\aECAL/2:#1-\aECAL/2:\R+#2) node (Ce) {} -- (#1-\aECAL/2:\R) arc(#1-\aECAL/2:#1+\aECAL/2:\R) -- cycle; } \drawdepo{\aphi+\aphip}{0.7} \node[anchor=\aphi+\aphip+210,inner sep=3pt,scale=0.9] at (Ce) {$E_1$}; \node[anchor=\aphi-84,inner sep=6pt,scale=0.7] at (P1) {$(x_1,y_1)$}; \drawdepo{\aphi-\aphip}{0.7} \node[anchor=\aphi-\aphip+210,inner sep=4pt,scale=0.9] at (Ce) {$E_2$}; \node[anchor=\aphi+107,inner sep=8pt,scale=0.7] at (P2) {$(x_2,y_2)$}; % LINES \draw[photon,shorten >=-2pt] (V) -- (P1) % photon 1 node[midway,anchor=-20,inner sep=2pt] {$\gamma_1$}; \draw[photon,shorten >=-2pt] (V) -- (P2) % photon 2 node[midway,anchor=130,inner sep=2pt] {$\gamma_2$}; \draw[myblue] (O) -- (V) % path of instable particle Phi -> aa node[pos=0.75,anchor=\aphi-90,inner sep=1.6pt] {$\Phi$} node[pos=0.55,anchor=\aphi+90,inner sep=1.0pt] {$L_{xy}$}; %\mathrm{3D} \draw[myblue,dashed] (V) -- (P); % bisector %\draw[red] (O) -- (\aphi+\aphip:\R); %\draw[red] (O) -- (\aphi-\aphip:\R); %\draw[red] (P1) -- (P2); %\fill[red] (V)++(\aphi:\p) circle(1pt); %\draw[orange] (O) -- (P1); %\draw[orange] (O) -- (P2); % OPENING ANGLE \draw pic[draw=white,very thick,shorten >=1.8pt,shorten <=0.5pt, angle radius=13,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = P2--V--P1}; % while contour line \draw pic["\contour{white}{$\theta$}",draw=black, shorten >=1.0pt,shorten <=-1.0pt,angle radius=13,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = P2--V--P1}; % CIRCLES (for vertex reconstruction) \fill[mygreen] (C1) circle(0.8pt); \fill[mygreen] (C2) circle(0.8pt); %\draw[red] % (C1) circle(\r) % (C2) circle(\r); %\draw[green] % (C1) --++ (\aphi+\atheta:\r) % (C2) --++ (\aphi-\atheta+180:\r) % (C1) --++ (\aphi+180:\r) % (C2) --++ (\aphi:\r); \draw[circle,dashed] % inside circle (P1) arc({\aphi+\atheta}:{\aphi+360-\atheta}:{\r}); \draw[circle,dashed] % outside circle (P1) arc({\aphi-\atheta+180}:{\aphi-180+\atheta}:{\r}); % VERTICES \fill (O) circle(1.6pt); \fill (V) circle(1.6pt); \end{tikzpicture} % VERTEX RECONSTRUCTION (background) \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=0] \def\R{4.2} % tracker outer radius \def\L{-1.4} % distance between PV and diphoton vertex \def\aphi{58} % direction diphoton system (pho) \def\atheta{35} % opening angle between photons (theta) \def\aECAL{4} % angular granularity of calo deposits, CMS: 0.0175*180/pi = 1 \compute % compute all vertex parameters % COORDINATES \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % detector center \coordinate (V) at (\aphi:\L); % diphoton vertex \coordinate (P) at (\aphi:\R); % projection of diphoton vertex \coordinate (C1) at (\aphi:\L+\r); % circle center inside \coordinate (P1) at ($(V)+(\aphi+\atheta/2:\l)$); % photon 1 at ECAL \coordinate (P2) at ($(V)+(\aphi-\atheta/2:\l)$); % photon 2 at ECAL % CALORIMETER INNER SURFACE \draw (\aphi-60:\R) arc (\aphi-60:\aphi+55:\R); \node[anchor=-150,inner sep=4pt,align=center] at (\aphi-50:\R) {ECAL\\surface}; % CALORIMETER DEPOSITS \def\drawdepo#1#2{ \draw[calo] (#1+\aECAL/2:\R+#2) arc(#1+\aECAL/2:#1-\aECAL/2:\R+#2) node (Ce) {} -- (#1-\aECAL/2:\R) arc(#1-\aECAL/2:#1+\aECAL/2:\R) -- cycle; } \drawdepo{\aphi+\aphip}{0.7} \node[anchor=\aphi+\aphip+210,inner sep=3pt,scale=0.9] at (Ce) {$E_1$}; \node[anchor=\aphi-80,inner sep=6pt,scale=0.7] at (P1) {$(x_1,y_1)$}; \drawdepo{\aphi-\aphip}{0.7} \node[anchor=\aphi-\aphip+210,inner sep=4pt,scale=0.9] at (Ce) {$E_2$}; \node[anchor=\aphi+104,inner sep=8pt,scale=0.7] at (P2) {$(x_2,y_2)$}; % LINES \draw[photon,shorten >=-2pt] (V) -- (P1) % photon 1 node[midway,anchor=-20,inner sep=2pt] {$\gamma_1$}; \draw[photon,shorten >=-2pt] (V) -- (P2) % photon 2 node[midway,anchor=130,inner sep=2pt] {$\gamma_2$}; \draw[myblue] (O) -- (V); % path of instable particle \draw[myblue,dashed] (V) -- (P); % bisector % OPENING ANGLE \draw pic[draw=white,very thick,shorten >=1.8pt,shorten <=0.5pt, angle radius=13,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = P2--V--P1}; % while contour line \draw pic["\contour{white}{$\theta$}",draw=black, shorten >=1.0pt,shorten <=-1.0pt,angle radius=13,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = P2--V--P1}; % CIRCLES (for vertex reconstruction) \fill[mygreen] (C1) circle(0.8pt); \draw[circle,dashed] % inside circle (P1) arc({\aphi+\atheta}:{\aphi+360-\atheta}:{\r}); % VERTICES \fill (O) circle(1.6pt); \fill (V) circle(1.6pt); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Click to download: vertex_diphoton.tex • vertex_diphoton.pdfOpen in Overleaf: vertex_diphoton.tex.
See also: Original Source by Izaak Neutelings
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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