Asymptote can draw standard shapes (spheres, cylinders, cubes, etc) which you can then scale, rotate, and shift to create many other shapes.
\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[inline]{asymptote} \begin{document} \begin{asy} import three; settings.render = 0; //Setup View size(200); currentprojection=orthographic(5,4,2); //Draw Axes pen thickblack = black+0.75; real axislength = 2.0; draw(L=Label("$x$", position=Relative(1.1), align=SW), -axislength*X--axislength*X,thickblack, Arrow3); draw(L=Label("$y$", position=Relative(1.1), align=E), -axislength*Y--axislength*Y,thickblack, Arrow3); draw(L=Label("$z$", position=Relative(1.1), align=N), -2*axislength*Z--2*axislength*Z,thickblack, Arrow3); //Define cube surfaces surface c1 = unitcube; surface c2 = shift(-2Z)*rotate(45,X)*c1; surface s1 = unitsphere; surface s2 = rotate(75,Z)*shift(1.5Z)*xscale3(2)*yscale3(0.5)*zscale3(0.1)*s1; //Draw cube surfaces draw(c1,palegrey); draw(c2,green); draw(s2,red); \end{asy} \end{document}
Source: TeX.SE
Author: Chris Chudzicki (License)
See also: Original Source
Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.
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