This posts shows code examples of Feynman diagrams of ttbar quark plus W or Z boson production in proton-proton collisions. For a nice overview from the experimental point of view, have a look at this review article by the CMS collaboration published in Physics Reports.

Click on a diagram to jump to the code & download links below:

ttbarV-001.png ttbarV-002.png ttbarV-003.png ttbarV-004.png ttbarV-005.png ttbarV-006.png ttbarV-007.png
  \fmfframe(-10,14)(7,16){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    % main
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(-9,14)(6,16){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 left}{i1}
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    % main
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(3,14)(9,14){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    \fmfshift{3 right}{oV}
    % main
    \fmf{fermion,label=t,l.s=left}{v2,v1} % t-channel
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(1,12)(6,15){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{20 left}{o3}
    % internal vertices (exact placement)
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.75h)}{v1} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.25h)}{v2} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.72w,.75h)}{g} % exact placement
    % main
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(3,12)(6,16){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{20 left}{o3}
    % internal vertices (exact placement)
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.75h)}{v1} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.25h)}{v2} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.72w,.75h)}{g} % exact placement
    % main
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(-9,9)(6,9){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(110,70) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    % skeleton
    % Z boson
    \fmf{dashes}{z,v} % Z boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.a=22,l.d=5,l=\strut t}{o1}
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.
  \fmfframe(-9,10)(6,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(110,65) % dimensions (WH)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    % skeleton
    % Z boson
    \fmf{dashes}{z,v} % Z boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.a=22,l.d=5,l=\strut t}{o1}
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

Full code

The LaTeX code below collects all the diagrams above into one big file that produces a multipage PDF. Please find download links below, or edit and compile here if you like:

% !TEX program = pdflatexmk
% !TEX parameter = -shell-escape
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (February 2023)
% Instructions: To compile via command line, run the following twice
%   pdflatex -shell-escape ttbar.tex

\usepackage{environ} % for \NewEnviron
  \begin{page} % to create standalone page
  \fmfframe(#1)(#2){ % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmffile}{feynmp-#3} % auxiliary files (use unique name!)
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    \BODY % main code


% TTBAR + Z PRODUCTION - Quark-antiquark annihilation, s-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{-10,14}{7,16}{ttbarV_qq-ttbarZ_schan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    % main
    % labels

% TTBAR + Z PRODUCTION - Gluon fusion, s-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{-9,14}{6,16}{ttbarV_gg-ttbarZ_schan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 left}{i1}
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    % main
    % labels

% TTBAR + Z PRODUCTION - Gluon fusion, t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{3,14}{9,14}{ttbarV_gg-ttbarZ_tchan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{2 up}{oV}
    \fmfshift{3 right}{oV}
    % main
    \fmf{fermion,label=t,l.s=left}{v2,v1} % t-channel
    % labels

% TTBAR + Z PRODUCTION - Quark-antiquark annihilation, t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{1,12}{6,15}{ttbarV_qq-ttbarZ_tchan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{20 left}{o3}
    % internal vertices (exact placement)
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.75h)}{v1} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.25h)}{v2} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.72w,.75h)}{g} % exact placement
    % main
    % labels

% TTBAR + W PRODUCTION - Quark-antiquark annihilation, t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{3,12}{6,16}{ttbarV_qq-ttbarW_tchan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(100,75) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{20 left}{o3}
    % internal vertices (exact placement)
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.75h)}{v1} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.33w,.25h)}{v2} % exact placement
    \fmfforce{(.72w,.75h)}{g} % exact placement
    % main
    % labels

% TTBAR PRODUCTION + W - Gluon fusion, t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{-9,9}{6,9}{ttbarV_gg-ttbarW_tchan} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(110,70) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    % skeleton
    % Z boson
    \fmf{dashes}{z,v} % Z boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.a=22,l.d=5,l=\strut t}{o1}

% TTBAR PRODUCTION + W - Gluon fusion, t-channel, straight
\begin{fmfpicture}{-9,10}{6,10}{ttbarV_gg-ttbarW_tchan_straight} % padding (LTRB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(110,65) % dimensions (WH)
    % external vertices
    % skeleton
    % Z boson
    \fmf{dashes}{z,v} % Z boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.a=22,l.d=5,l=\strut t}{o1}


Click to download: ttbarV.texttbarV.pdfOpen in Overleaf: ttbarV.tex.

See also: Original Source by Izaak Neutelings

Note: The copyright belongs to the blog author and the blog. For the license, please see the linked original source blog.